No One Knows

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So school wasn't a total blowout. Lunch was pretty fun, me and Theda talked for what felt like a life time. I even forgot the pain in my ear and the dickhead who caused it. She opened up to me a bit, explaining that she changes her clothes so that she doesn't get the clothes her mom bought her ruined. I figured out later that it wasn't her who would be trashing her clothes. Apparently people have the tendency on 'accidentally' spill their drinks on her. Despite the brutal nature she was being treated, she was still able to joke about it like it didn't effect her. I admired her for that.

Though I would punch every single one of those jerks, I was glad she was string enough to smile through it all. She never told me why everyone calls her Stainer, instead she would always change the topic when I brought it up. Eventually I gave up, taking in the snorts of her dorky laughter. Honestly I could never imagine ever disliking her and I wish other people could see that.

We came up with a plan that we'll go to the movie theater after school and catch whatever crappy movie that is playing there. I texted my mom, explaining the whole ordeal. Surprising enough she gave me the green light. I'll have thank her when I get back home. After the last few periods pass, school was finally over. 

Running down the hallway, I maneuvered my way through the crowd. Making sure not to push anyone, unfortunately I did bump a couple shoulders. One being particularly rougher than I was hoping. Stopping in my tracks I turn to apologize, only to bite my tongue shortly after.


Shifting uncomfortably, I was weighing my odds in a fight. Not that I would start one... At least not on purpose. He adjusted his bag over his shoulder, sizing me up before speaking. "I heard you got creamed by Connor," he smirked. "It's weird really, he's not usually the one to seek out revenge."

I let that roll in my head for a bit. Hating myself to admit that I was thinking the same thing,  Connor never struck me as someone to resort to violence. Every time we wrestled when we were kids he would always start balling his eyes out whenever he hurt me. I used to tease him about it, now I'm not sure how I would feel about it. I barely recognize him anymore.

"But if it were me, I'd be a pretty mad too," Tanner continued, ignoring my confused look. "Imagine being K.O.ed by some chick."

Well that was just sexist! Just because I'm a girl doesn't mean I can't kick Connor's ass! I barked, not considering the level of my voice. "Connor wouldn't get mad over something stupid like that!"

He scrunches his face, disgusted by my objection. "And how do you know that? You're the new kid, you don't know anything about him."

It occurred to me that Connor never told anyone that we used to be friends. As far as everyone else knows, I'm just some crazy girl who punched him in the face. Just when I thought my reputation was bad enough. Oddly enough my chest hurt, as if I was heartbroken from a friendship that happened many years ago.

I look away, trying to hide the disappointment in my eyes. "It's still a pretty lame excuse."

He chuckles and I'm not sure if it's at me or my comment. Patting my shoulder, he murmured. "I'm sure he'll get over it," His grip tightening, making me wince. He leans in closer, his voice quieter. "But cross paths with me again and you'll regret it."

My teeth are grinding at the point, my hands shaking to hit something. He walks away without another word and I watch him, hoping my stare could burn a hole in the back of his head.   

They made an enemy with the wrong girl.


We rolled up in front of the theater. With his arm around the passenger seat Cai looked back the two of us. "I'll be back in two hours to pick you both up. Not a minute more or I'm gonna leave your asses here," he explained in monotone voice. "Capiche?"

Theda rolls her eyes, changed back into her nice clothes. It seems that not even her brother knows about the outfit ordeal. I wonder if he knows about her getting bullied. 

"Yeah, yeah, can I have thirty bucks?" she sighed.

He cocked his head back in astonishment. "What? No! Where's your money?"

"I lost my allowance for the next two weeks because I got fired," the job she ran out of when we first met. "And I don't get my final check until Friday."

I unzip my backpack, shuffling through it to find my wallet. "I can pay for the both of us," I say with uncertainty. 

The siblings exchange glares for a moment, before Cai faulted under pressure. "Fine," he groaned as he smacked some money into Theda's hand.

With a fake ass smile on her face, she purred. "Thank you."

We get out of the car and head to the ticket booth. Cai speeds away with thirty less dollars than he originally had. Theda swings her backpack around and pulls out her wallet. Opening it, I could see the money practically falling out of it. 

I can't help but crack a smile. "I thought you said you were broke?"

A smirk on her lips. "I never said that I was broke, I just said that I didn't get paid."

I nudge her and she nudges me back.    

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2019 ⏰

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