Lunch Break

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Standing in the cafeteria line, I pressed my cheek against the wall. It's pale cream color reminding me of my old bedroom. I found it funny how I was starting to miss a place that I never belonged in. 

Theda pulled me back into reality when she pinched my reddened ear, yanking it downward to show her dominance. "Do rules mean nothing to you?" she violently whispered.

Biting my tongue from swearing out loud, I shove her hand away. The throbbing of the bruise returning quicker than expected. "What are you talking about?"

I knew exactly what she was talking about; Connor. I should have stayed away from him in the first place. But how on earth did she know that I talked to him. Watching her pullout her phone from her pocket, she opened up her Snapchat. A few scrolls in and there a video of me taking a swan dive to the ground after being hit in the head. I watch in disgust as the video plays in a continuous loop. The words 'Connor just wrecked the new girl's ass!!!' 

"So?" I sigh, not really sure if I was masking my disappointment enough.

Some kid tapped on me and Theda's shoulders, not knowing the deadly stares he was about to receive. He spits in frustration. "No cutting, get in the back of the line!"

I can't take this anymore. "How bout you suck my di-."

Theda grabs my arm, yanking me to the back of the line with her. People within the line start sighing in relief, as if I was the one who cut them. This day is just getting worst by the second.

"What was that for? I was almost at the front of the line?"

Theda looks at me like I'm a child who doesn't know when to shut up, which may not be too far off if I think about it. "You're gonna have to learn how to lay your head low, if you want to make this new self image of yourself."

I hate to admit it, but shes right. I need to stop caring about others and just focus on me. It just seems a lot harder, than expected. I switch my footing, trying to accept defeat for once in my life. Should I apologize? Is that what friends are supposed to do in these kind of situation?

"On the other hand," Theda coos with a clever smirk on her lips. "You can continue being your badass self and get revenge without anyone ever knowing it was you."

"What?" I said.

We move a couple feet up the line, inching closer to the end goal. "In a couple days, Connor will have a game coming up at University High. Supposed to be one of the biggest ones of the season."

I raise my brows, waiting for her to continue. She sighs, impatient for my slow ass to understand where shes getting at. "We could embarrass him in front the entire school."

My god, I'm dealing with an evil master mind. The idea plays around in my head a bit, intriguing to say the most, especially with all the different outcomes popping into play. But I shake my head, Connor might be a two face liar, but I shouldn't be holding grudges. I was the one who hit him first, it was only fair that he settle the score between us. 

Theda sticks out her tongue in disappointment, whose the kid now. "You're no fun."

I link my arm around her, not noticing the height difference between us until now. May I be shorter than everyone I meet? "Don't pout about it, I'm sure we can find something else better to do with our time."

We stand like that for a few minutes, the moment getting more awkward by the second. "That's if we ever get our lunch," I growl.

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