The Wrong White Guy

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(I'm sorry that this took me forever to publish, I had a glitch with Wattpad where I couldn't access my stories. But everything is back up and running! So please enjoy and keep on laughing. :) )

Sitting out on the curb in front of a Seven-Eleven, I examined the damage on my bike. Duck tape wasn't going to fix this old gal. Her wheel was bent into a ninety degree angle, one of the pedals had completely broken off, and to top it all off the chain had tangled itself into the back wheel. I hug my legs closer to my chest, thinking that maybe I should tell my mom it got stolen.

Theda waltzed out of the store with two cokes in hand. Handing me one, she looked at dear old Ruby. "I called my dad, he's coming to pick us up."

"Thanks," I muttered.

The can hissed as she opened it, a loud swallow following after it. "I'm guessing you're new to town."

I look back at her with an arched brow. Surely it couldn't be that small of a town. "It's that obvious?"

She snickered. "Of course it is! No one in their right mind would ever punch the most popular guy in school!"

Rolling my eyes I took a sip from my soda. I never cared for social status, especially at school. It didn't matter if you were the student president or a loser theater kid, everyone was just some obstacle I had to face in order to get through high school. Probably one of the many reasons as to why I got in so much trouble. I sigh out of boredom. "So what if he's the most popular guy? That gives him no excuse to be an asshole."

I shortly reminded myself that I ended up punching the wrong guy. That Connor kid had nothing to do with it, then again he could have stopped his friends from harassing Theda. But I couldn't blame him for doing nothing, even if I really wanted to. It takes a lot more than guts to save someone from bullying, you would have to be willing to sacrifice everything for someone you barely know.

"I guess you really don't know who you punched after all," Theda added.

"No, does it matter?"

She was in the middle of another large gulp before choking on it. I scooted back a bit as I saw some coke cola erupted from her mouth. Maybe I should have thought this out before getting involved with this girl. After a rough coughing fit, she finally cleared her throat. "You just punched Connor Wright! So obviously it matters?!"

I let the name roll around in my head for a moment. The name ringed a bell but I couldn't place my finger on it. Theda sighed as she continued. "His mom is one of the biggest lawyers in the state, Karen Wright. She could sue your ass to the next county!"

Now I know I heard that name somewhere. I can practically hear my mom screaming that name from the roof tops, and then it hit me. She was one of my mom's worst competitors. Karen Wright was one of those lawyers that would be invited to presidential events and special fundraisers. My mom was a great lawyer, but where she excelled in the court room she sucked in social skills. They were rivals since law school, ever since Karen stole highest rank in graduating class from my mom.

Yet another example where popularity steals from hard work.

I haven't heard that name since six years ago. When I used to play with-...

"Oh fuck," I whisper in horror.

Connor Wright, how could I have forgotten him?! But no way that guy was the same Connor I knew. The Connor I knew was fat and had crappy eye sight, while the guy I punched was a fine piece of ass! I tangled my fingers into my hair, trying to connect the pieces together. They did have matching eye and hair color, but surely that isn't enough to say they are the same person!

Theda placed her soda down before standing up. "Hey, don't freak out just yet! Maybe the surveillance cameras will show you defending my honor!" she stammered.

"I hit the wrong dude!" I screamed.

"In my defense, all you guys look the same," Theda said sarcastically.

I didn't need racist jokes right now. It doesn't matter if all white people look the same, that doesn't change the fact that I punched my former friend from fifth grade. Hiding my face in my hands, I said. "Theda you don't understand. I do know Connor, I used to be friends with him when we were in elementary school. We were pirate buddies!"

Her face wrinkles in disgust, as if the name leaves a sour taste in her mouth. She crossed her arms, her work badge gleaming under the florescent light. I look up at her expecting some sarcastic comment, but she remains silent. Flopping right next to me she gagged. "Pirate buddies?"

I smiled a bit from the memory, but oddly it feels bitter. "Yeah, we were what you would have called... best friends," I cleared my throat reminded that was all in the past. "But that was a long time ago."

Theda's expression softens, something that looked close to sympathetic. A car rolls into the parking lot it's head lights on full blast. We cover our eyes as the vehicle slowly approaches. With the window rolled down, a boy with the exact same eye shape and dark coarse hair as Theda smirked down at us. "Did you get fired again?"

"Very funny Cai," she pouted her lower lip. "I thought dad was picking us up."

"Well too bad squirt, you're stuck with me," his cat-like eyes studying my small figure. "Who's the farmer?"

Theda exclaimed. "That's what I said!"

"Oh my god! I genuinely like my overalls, can you stop making fun of me!"

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