All Is Fair In Dodge Ball

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(Another chapter, another song. I will finally suggest that you play the song when the game starts.)

I sat down on the gym floor as roll call was being called. Playing with the hem of my P.E. uniform, I eyed out through the class. Everyone speaking among each other, as the coach murmured to themselves. Strolling out of the boys locker room was Connor, talking to some kid with a big grin on his face. One thing for sure didn't change, was that  he only had one dimple on his left cheek.

"Now or never, Nat," I sighed to myself before standing up.

Lightly jogging towards him, I called out. "Hey! Connor wait up!"

I've never seen a guy tense up so quickly at the sight of me. He held onto his friend's arm, both stopping in their tracks. His bruise still a sickly yellow over his jawline. I chewed on my chap lip for a bit, rethinking over my past decisions.

I nervously laugh, trying to retrace my steps. "Natalee Harris," I announce with my hand out to shake his. He flinches. "I uh... Want to apologize for punching you the other day."

His friend scoffed, linking his arm around Connor's neck. "You said you got that bruise in lacrosse practice."

Connor rolled his eyes before clearing his throat. His friend took a hold my hand before practically shaking me off my feet. "Jackson Smith, a pleasure to meet you."

"Same goes to you."

"Jay," Connor mumbled. Their eyes locking for a moment before Jackson slipped his arm away.

"Alright, alright, I'm leaving!"

And then there were two.  

My fingers wrestled each other, trying to find the right words to say. It felt like I was meeting Connor all over again, like we were back in Mr. Goldie's class picking partners for the science fair project. But this time we weren't meant with smiles on our faces and for once he was taller than me.

He shifts to one side, examining me up and down. I take a ballsy move and look him dead in the eye. I wasn't raised to be a coward, new me or not, I won't waiver under some pretty boy. Then something unexpected happened.

He smiled at me.

"You sure have changed Captain Harris," he said with a mischievous smirk.

My jaw drops to the ground. "You remember me?!" I exclaimed.

He laughs, his dimple carving itself into his cheek. "I mean you definitely look different, but I couldn't forget a punch like that, even if I tried."

I rubbed the back of my neck, not sure how to respond. "Yeah, sorry about that."

Waving me off, he shakes his head. "Don't sweat about it. I'm sure you would have punched anyone who just stumbled about."

I was surprised by how forgiving he was, most kids would be pissed for me just breathing the same air as them. Maybe its possible that Connor didn't changed at all, granted he may look different, but so did I. I'm not the little girl who runs around in dresses anymore, and he's not the fat, shy kid who used to follow me around. We were young adults now and we knew how to handle a situation properly.

This oddly made my heart feel warm, as if there was an opportunity to reunite with an old friend. Puffing out a breath of air, I sighed in relief. "You don't know how relieved I am to hear you say that."

Shaking the sweat off my hands, I offered my hand to him. "How bout we start over? The name is Natalee Harris, it's nice to meet you."

His cool green eyes bounced around, obviously uncomfortable with my forward approach. Oddly enough he still took my hand and shook it. His hands were tougher than I remembered, they weren't that plump, smooth skin I used to know. "Connor Wright," he chuckled nervously.

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