School Rules

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Shrugging into my favorite jacket, I looked over the threaded letter 'H'. It was my mom's old Harvard varsity jacket.

After an entire weekend, I was finally able to unpack all my stuff. I didn't notice how much junk I had until I moved, I should probably give up some of it. But it's so hard to get rid of my somewhat neat piles of useless stuff. It's like a twelve year old gremlin lives inside of me refuses to let any of my old things go. So instead it just progressively piles on as the years pass.

Catching a glimpse of myself in the mirror, I cringed at the massive bad hair day I was having. I had light brown hair with dyed blonde tips, which would only look good if I didn't have such frizzy hair.

I was a pretty average looking girl in my opinion, dark brown eyes, lightly tan skin, and some broad shoulders. I was muscular compared to most girls, I even used to arm wrestle all the guys in my middle school. They used to call me the She-Hulk, because of my notorious victory.

Ted yelled from downstairs. "Natie, your food is getting cold!"

A small smile comes to my lips, before I quickly shake it off. "Coming!"

Stumbling pass the empty boxes, I ran down stairs. Nothing beats Ted's legendary blueberry muffins. I managed to land in a seat without falling out of it. Under his thick beard was a cheeky grin as he passed me a plate.

Scarfing it down, I completely ignored the stare my mom was giving me. She sipped some of her coffee before clearing her throat. "Natalee where's your table manners?"

I paused for a moment, crumbs sprinkling off my face and onto my lap. I smiled expecting my teeth to be plastered with blueberries.

She cringed in response, my mom usually had two expressions disgust or anger. She spoke again. "Right~, so I was thinking that maybe you should start looking for a job."

I wasn't sure if I was coughing up a lung or the muffin I just took a bite of. Ted quickly rushed to my side with a glass of milk in hand. Rubbing my back he whispered. "Here drink this."

"Honestly I think it's about time, you are seventeen after all." great now she's lecturing me. "And now that you don't have a bike, your gonna have to start saving for a new one."

My mom tended to go on these rampages about how my life should be. It usually starts with me getting a job, then how I should only apply to the best colleges where I'll meet Mr. Right and have four kids with him. She always had this perfect picture in her head, but I always seemed to miss the mark with her.

I guess I take after my dad after all.

My stomach twinged at the thought of him. I immediately threw it away, hoping to never stoop that low again. Ted spoke up. "Honey why don't we just buy Natie a car? It's not like we can't afford it."

She rarely ever gave Ted cold stares, but whenever he offers an alternative he starts shaking like a leaf. "I'd rather Natalee learn what hard work is, than me rewarding her for doing nothing but getting into trouble."

Harsh, I know. But she has a point. I've never had a job before and it would be nice to have a couple bucks laying around.

Before she could continue her speech, the doorbell rang. It must be Theda coming to pick me up from school. Cai was nice enough to offer me a ride until I got a new bike and with his little sister being my only friend in this town it was hard to say no.

Taking the muffin, I quickly waved Ted and mom goodbye before heading out the door.  Dressed in a red blazer, white t-shirt, and some black jeans, Theda surprisingly had more fashion taste than me. Then again, everyone had better taste than me.

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