Meeting Dean and Castiel

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/// Just the author popping in to say hi, I love the photo I chose for this. I hope you like this. Be sure to check out the others!///

Dean Winchester went to Rosa Parks High School. He played on the football team as Captain. He had a great family at home consisting of his little brother Sam and his parents, Mary and John Winchester. He had great friends from the football team or simply because they shared the same classes. He was friends with Benny Lafitte, Lisa Braedon, Austin Moore and of course Jo Harvelle. He was popular and had the sweet apple pie life. He was good at half of his classes and some not so much. Like Math and English.

He took a seat on the bench, wiping his brow. He was sweaty from practice and exhausted. He looked in front of him to see the guys coming his way. He stood up and looked around and saw on his left in the far corner, a guy writing something down in a notebook. His hair was dangling in his face and had a sluggish-type of posture. He wore a white Rosa Parks shirt with sweatpants with a trench coat on covering both and had gym shoes on. He saw the guy look up his direction.

Dean quickly turned away and was greeted by his friends. Benny patted his shoulder, "That was some good practice, brother. Wasn't it?"

"Yeah it was." Dean heard someone get up. Probably that weirdo on the bleachers, he thought. Then he walked out to his 1967 Chevy Impala, driving both Benny and Austin home.


Castiel Novak is a guy that is very peculiar. He isn't as popular as Dean but everyone might as well know him. He had an obsession with drawing and learning. His life at home is complicated. He is adopted with his twin brother Gabriel into a family. They don't have a mother and their father is a business worker. They have other siblings like Lucifer, Anna, Michael, Balthazar and Samandriel.

It was a pretty big family but everyone was rough with each other especially on Castiel. They give him everything, mainly chores and making dinner. But it's a lot. He gets bullied a lot as well, which doesn't help his self esteem. He has friends named Hannah Weasley, Charlie Bradbury and Kevin Tran. They help him get through the school days and can't do anything when he's at home.

As for being a nerd, he favors studying and giving excuses to not be a mom to everyone. He does pretty well in his classes and can be a bit awkward but manages to get his friends to laugh. He has tutored a lot of kids lately.

That day Castiel had decided to go outside, saying he'd be back in an hour or so. He wanted some alone time, getting some things off his back for once. He sighed and walked back to his high school, Rosa Parks. He put his back bag on his back and kept walking. He eventually got there and went to the first place in mind: the field. He ventured out into the fields and sat down on the far left side of the bleachers.

He pulled out his notebook and started drawing the outline of the goal post. It was important and he was bored. He heard some talking and a whistle. He turned his head to see the football team huddled up in their suits, starting warm ups. Immediately, they all dropped to the ground and started doing one-arm push ups. Castiel was intrigued and watched quietly. He looked at himself, seeing how scrawny he was. He had muscle just never did anything- or never fought another person.

He returned to drawing after they were now jogging around the entire field. It had been a long time before he looked up again to see them all leaving. A boy on the bench was waiting for someone and Castiel didn't want to interrupt. The boy faced his way and Castiel was nose-deep of his notebook, pretending to read. He thought the guy was not staring anymore and to get a glimpse of the rest of the people (he jaw saw) leave.

Castiel decided to get up then too. He followed the team outside and put his drawing book away. A pair of tires screeched and the cat drove off like a maniac. "Idiot." Castiel murmured. Next time he looked up he was eye to eye with Dean Winchester's green eyes. Castiel blushed. He started fast-walking away and out of the parking lot for students.

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