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  I gasped lowly, remembering the whole night. Dean on top of me, pressing into me. I remember the feeling of him inside. What will he think of me now? If he remembers all hell is gonna break loose. I ruined his popularity. But he said he loved you... a voice said in the back of my head. But I know he doesn't.

I mean he saw my scars. I remember him kissing them, telling me to never do it again and that he'll be here for me. That really pained at my heart. I slowly took in a breath and moved slightly on the bed. I slipped to the floor and grabbed my clothes. I tiptoed to the bathroom and started to dress. I looked at myself and tried to smile at myself. Gabriel is gonna know what happened. He'll tell the whole family. I'll be called a whore and slut.

I placed my hands on the sink counter and sobbed silently. The pain taking over me. Dean having sex with me. Me losing my virginity. Being bullied. My family hating me. I felt the burning sensation at my heart and I looked in the mirror at myself.

Is this really me? A helpless teenager? I should just kill myself. My thoughts were interrupted by Dean stirring in his room. I then heard the bed creak as I knew now he was fully awake. A rustle of sheets. Footsteps coming over to the bathroom door. A knock. "Cas?" He said. My heart broke at the bit of hearing Dean say my name. "Cas, please don't be upset with me for last night." I choked back a sob. He's asking for... forgiveness? I opened the door slightly.

He had on his boxers. I sniffed, wiping my eyes. "Dean, don't be sorry. I should be the one for the whole thing. I should be apologizing. I knew you'd be mad at me-"

"I'm not mad at you, Cas. Can you let me in?" He asked. I opened the door. He saw me dressed back in my clothes. "Can I see your arms?" I nodded slowly, letting him slip up my sleeves. The tingling sensation back. He saw no new cuts. He pulled me into a tight close. "Cas, I don't regret last night. I wasn't that drunk. I knew what I was doing, even if it did ruin my reputation at school. I did admit I loved you, Cas. I don't want you to think I'm upset because it seems to be bothering you so much. I don't want to see you hurt or sad. That's what I'm here for right? To make you happy? Cas, I officially want to be your boyfriend." He whispered before pulling back, to see my reaction. My face was shocked and happy. He wasn't upset. He wasn't going to push me away. He actually wanted me. This wasn't some sick joke.

I forced a smile. He smiled back at me. "Dean, are you okay with being boyfriends?"

"Yes." He started kissing my knuckles, saying other nice things about me once again. "Are you?"

"Yes." Dean's smile widened.

"Also, please don't cut yourself. Now that we're boyfriends, you're more important to me Cas. I want you to be safe and healthy." I chuckled.

"I won't." His tense build softened and he kissed me. When we pulled away I said, "I love you."

He, surprisingly, said, "I love you too, Angel."


After that night, Dean and I were a couple. I returned home with a full argument being brought at. "Where were you?! And where is Gabriel!" My father yelled at me.

"I...I was at a party, Father. Gabriel-" My father tensed. "I took Gabriel and myself to a party. He seemed into it but it was my whole idea." Gabriel shouldn't deserve any of this. My father broke into a rage.

"So where is he?!"

"I-I don't know." I replied helplessly. My father slapped me.

"Don't lie to me! Where?!" Yelling filled the whole house. Then my father stopped and sniffed around till his nose lead to me. His eyes widened. "You had sex! You-You- my son, you are very young! You're not supposed to impregnant women at this age!" I shook my head.

"I-I didn't have sex I swear!" He slapped me even more. My father's eyes darkened and he slapped me a third time.

"You wouldn't impreg a girl! You're the little slut! You little faggot! You're the one who was fucked! I-I can't believe you! God, may he burn your soul in Hell!" My father kept slapping me. I started to cry. He resented in kicking. I can't believe a child can be treated like this. He finally stopped and grunted in disgust before kicking me again, and leaving the room. I stood up slowly, wincing at the pain. I stumbled over to the bathroom and took a look at myself.

I sobbed at how I was covered in so many bruises. I almost reached for the razor to cut again but instead I grabbed the phone. I called Dean and sobbed. He picked up after the fourth ring. I told him everything. I stumbled upstairs and packed anything I could. I have had enough with this family. I heard a horn and told myself that's my time to leave. I slowly ran down the stairs with my stuff and made my way to Dean's car.

He helped me in. I sobbed in his arms for a long time. I was no longer the son of the Novaks'.

Truth or Dare: Spin The Bottle (BOOK ONE)Where stories live. Discover now