I'm Only Human

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*flashback for the life timing-dramatic moment people lmao*

Dean took my hand, twirling me around. I swayed against him despite Lisa's dirty looks. Dean kissed down my neck, his hand rubbing up and down my arm. I felt a tingling sensation go there. Dean brought his face up, looking into my eyes. His eyes were like green orbs. "God, Cas, you're perfect." He said to me.

"So are you. You're like a God." Dean chuckled before kissing my lips. I felt the softness of his lips. I leaned into it, putting a hand up into his delicate hair. It felt soft as well. I felt his other hand, go under my shirt. I pulled away from him. "Dean, not here. And I can't." I was drunk but not that dumb.

"C'mon I can't resist you. You're like a babe walking around in your clothes. It makes me feel hungry seeing you like this." He pulled on my sweater. I blushed.

"Won't this affect your popularity?" I asked. He shrugged.

"I just want to be with you and not Lisa. I mean just-ah I need you, Cas. C'mon please." He kept swaying his hips against mine. It almost made me moan right then and there.

"F-Fine." I said. He then took my hand quickly and led me out the door to his car. "W-Where are we g-going?"

"Back to my place." He got into the car and I got in afterwards. He drove fast. He slowed as he pulled into his driveway. He told me on the way there that his parents were away on a trip, seeing other family members while Sam, his brother, was at a friend's. That left the whole house to me and him.

He turned off the engine and got out of the car. He strode over to my side, opening the door for me. I got out and followed him inside. The car door closed and forgotten. I heard the rumble of his keys. We were silent. This kind of was awkward. After we got in his house, he shut the door, loudly behind us, and practically jumped on me. His hungry kiss chewing my lips.

We traveled to his bedroom absentmindedly. He then pushed me down, admiring how I looked in his bed. Oh, how I adored being in the Winchester household. He attacked my neck, kissing it roughly and started to suck on it. I let out a low moan and heard a chuckle from him.


After some timing we had no clothes on and Dean was opening a condom. He whispered dirty things into my ear, telling positive things about me, since he saw my scars, and telling me it's okay to say when to stop. I had total trust in him as he did in me. The warm sensation later filling me. Dean letting himself and me fly away as our bodies collided together. How wild a night it was and how he said he loved me. Love was really a strong word but it still felt good to me. I replied back simply an 'I love you too'.

If he said it didn't affect his popularity then so be it. I just hoped he wasn't upset in the morning. But he completed me. That's why I didn't resist doing the sex with the popular Dean Winchester.

//sorry this only was a flashback chapter :) Castiel remembers//

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