Chapter 2: how did I get here?

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(Trigger warnings: poorly translated French.)

"My name's Alexander Hamilton. What's yours good sir?"

I blink a couple of times and quickly hide my confusion. If they think I'm crazy I could get killed in an insane asylum. But like, OH MY GOD I ACTUALLY TIME TRAVELED TO THE PAST AND IM TALKING TO ONE OF THE FOUNDING FATHERS.

Wait! Nows not the time I need to think of a name fast. "Uh, my name's Connor. T-(he android sent by Cyberlife. Please tell me if you get that reference.) Connor (L/N)." Alex nods and sticks out his hand for a hand shake. "It's very nice to meet you Connor." I shake his hand as normally as I can manage. (Yes I cant shake somebody's hand without making it awkward.) "Likewise."

He looks me up and down like he's thinking..... Oh no. "Are you from here?" Shit! "Ah, no. I just immigrated here and got off the boat." When I look at him he looks at me like he's been in that situation. Well of course he was but he doesn't know that I know that. "I immigrated here too. Where are you from?" Hm.... "I'm from France. Though I do have relatives elsewhere. Don't know where though."

"Hey I have a friend from France. His name's Lafayette. Maybe you should come with me. We can get to know each other better." Wow... that went better than expected. "Okay. If you have the time that is." He shrugs. "Well I was planning on meeting some friends to discuss the revolution and how to help Washington with the harbor.-" I tune out already knowing this. He's planning on stealing the cannons. "Maybe try stealing the cannons. It'll give you the upper hand." He stops and looks at me. "That's-....! Actually not a bad idea." I laugh a little. "Thanks. I have a tendency to come up with some crazy ideas, but can we talk about your friends?"

He looks at me and nods. "There's John Lauren's, Hercules Mulligan, Lafayette, well at least that's what we call him. Then there's Burr. He was my first friend when I came here." I look ahead seeing if I can recognize anyone. "Well it's a good thing I met you here right?" I hear him laugh and it sounds nice. "Yea.... wait is that-"

"Yo Hamilton! Where were you?!" Now this guy has curly hair and green eyes. Definitely Laurens.

"Mon ami we started to get worried that something happened to you." French accent. This has to be Lafayette because Alex told me he was from France.

"Who's this? And what are they wearing it looks... different." Ok. He's a little more buff than the rest I can tell you that. And the way he talked about my clothes it has to be Hercules.

"Well, if it isn't nice to meet you. My name's Arron Burr. What's your name?" Well I expected that from burr. He always seemed a little more professional from the rest when introducing himself. He sticks his hand out for a hand shake and I try not to make it awkward. "My name's Connor. Connor L/N. Nice to meet you Mr.Burr."

Laurens smiles and we have a handshake. God I hate handshakes. (If you can't tell at this point I really do hate hand shakes. I was at a party and everyone kept giving me one and it was a family thing and I didn't even know them! Okay personal rant over.) "Okay okay. My turn. My name's John Laurens and it seems you and Alex know each other." I shrug. "It's a long story." I turn to Lafayette and smile. Oh god please not another-

Handshake. I swear I hope some redcoats kill me or something. "Bonjour. My names Marie-Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert du Motier, Marquis de Lafayette. But you can just call me Lafayette." I really hope there's a comma in the middle of his name. "Bonjour lafayette. Je me demandais, est-ce que quelqu'un d'autre ici connaît le français?" He jumps and smiles happily. "Alex le sait. Pourquoi voulais-tu savoir?" I wave a little. "plus tard." He nods seeming a little happier than before.

When I look at Hercules he seems to be in really deep thought. Or just bothered by something. "Uh, hi?" He stands there. "Who made that?" this might actually get me caught so play it cool. "Oh, well my family wasn't really the richest so this was made out of rags and basically anything they could find to make myself look presentable when I came here." He nods. "Would you mind if I took you to my shop and gave you something to fit in more?" Wait is he serious? "I-oh no I can't. I wouldn't want to burned you." John laughs. "It's fine! Your our new friend now. You seem pretty cool." I laugh and smile. "Thanks." Alex nods. "No problem. Also you dropped this." He's holding my watch OH MY GOD IF I LOST THAT IM SO DEAD. "Oh! Thanks." I take it back and put it in my pocket making sure to keep a better eye on it. "Let's go."

-lil skip to the shop.-

"Okay just a few more adjustments and your good."

You know getting fitted for a costume isn't that bad. It's actually pretty cool. Regarding the fact on how itchy it is.

"You really didn't have to do this you know." He laughs and shrugs it off. "You looked like you needed it.... and done! Don't worry about paying. It's on the house." Thank god. "You don't have to! I could pay. It's the least I can do." He puts his hands up. "Listen. You seem nice. And because you just got here you probably didn't have enough anyways. It's the least I can do." We both laugh. This is pretty nice.

"Let me go get the others." I feel like I can trust him. "Wait! Um. What's today's date again?" He looks confused. "Um it's November 10 1776." Thank god I have all this stuff on. "Thanks. It must've slipped my mind."

"No problem." He walks out to get the others and as soon as he leaves I sigh in relief.

"I don't know how much longer I can keep up this act. Like how are you supposed to drop a bomb that your not from this time? You can't unless you want them to think your crazy." I groan and hold my hands in my head. "What am I going to do?"

I stop holding my head and look normal as I hear them coming. In the mean time I'll get to know these guys a little better. More than just what history books can tell you.


This is the end of this chapter. It's a little awkward but you just got teleported back in time and met the founding fathers. I bet a lot of us would be either nervous or awkward right? Because I sure as hell would. Well I hope you like this so far. See ya!

Yours truly, K.R

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