Chapter 9, No polotics at the dinner table.

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It's been so long and I'm really happy to be back. I'm hoping you guys have had a good couple months ever since I was gone. I think I know where I want to take the story now but I'm getting the help of a friend for later stuff. I just have maybe two story driven chapters planned. Maybe I'll actually make a little two-parter filler if I can get a chapter in. Maybe it'll just be an explanation of the world and how it works. I have a good while off so I'm gonna assume that.


Anyways who likes one punch man???


After getting all the groceries put away I had decided that I'll make dinner instead of just buying take out. I think it's for the best anyways.

Right now everyone is doing their own thing. John is drawing in his new hardcover sketchbook. Alex and Burr are reading some of the books I got them, I think Alex is taking notes? Yep, he definitely is. Lafayette and Herc are exploring the house a little and setting up the rooms. James is bonding with the dog's witch is honestly kinda cute. I think he was reading a little while ago. Also, side note: get James cough drops. He's been coughing here and there and I'm getting a little worried. Jefferson is doing his own thing. Idk, I can't really see him from where I'm standing.

I take out my headphones and start playing a song. I think the other two just went into the living room.

I tune out and just listen to the music. It's the opening to one of my favorite anime series. (I don't care I like one punch man if you don't just think of another one) I start singing along understanding most of it, I took classes. Thanks to our mom. She wanted us to be the smartest kids ever. Lol not gonna happen. I'll just watch anime and sing thank you.

I didn't know but apparently, I was all out singing in the kitchen while dancing around and cooking. I also didn't notice that literally, everyone was watching.

This went on for a whole 20 minutes.

I can't say I didn't enjoy it, I sure as hell did. Can't say the same for the others though. All the songs I sang were anime openings and as far as I'm concerned none of them know Japanese. They probably think I'm singing nonsense.

Alex POV

Okay, what is happening?

Let me explain, I was reading my book about world history to get caught up on everything when Herc and Lafayette come down. We all start talking and then all of a sudden (Y/N) just starts singing at the top of her lungs. To say none of us were a little surprised you are wrong. She just screamed "One punch!!!" Out of nowhere and started dancing around a little while cooking.

And she's not even listening to music! She just has this thing on her head covering her ears.

Maybe it plays music considering how advanced everything is now but I'm not too sure. Everyone else seems to have the same question though. What the hell is happening?

For a while, we just sit and watch not really doing anything. That's until her phone starts ringing and she stops to pick it up. We all sigh in relief seeing as none of us really wanted to stop her. Like I mean, she looked so happy! And maybe a little cute while singing- wait, no, stop. She sounded good while singing even if she wasn't really trying though. She presses a button and then starts talking.

[On hold] Hold on. (Hamilton time travel AU. Various characters X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now