Chapter 5: lets hope we dont get a noise complaint.

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If you thought the last chapter was a little all over at the end don't worry, that was my intention. Y/N was all over the place trying to figure out what's happening and keeping everything under control while tying to figure out how she felt about this. Like just having he Founding fathers show up in your house isn't normal right?

Anyways back to reading.



"Hello. My name is (Y/N)(L/N) and welcome, to 2018."
And then there was chaos.

If I thought the air horn did damage to my ears I thought wrong. Okay maybe that was an exaggeration but still. There were so many voices that my head started spinning. I picked up the airhorn and threatened to sound it and like that everyone went quiet.

"Okayyy. Note that in the future you can't drop big news like that without warning." I laugh and look at them. They all look confused, Panicked or excited. I'd be all in that situation knowing you traveled about 200 years into the future.

I decided that the best thing to do was ask one question per person from left to right on the couch. We'll do this till no one has anymore questions. "Okay. So here's how we'll do it. One question at a time from left to right." They all nod their heads not wanting me to sound my air horn. "Good! Let's start with John." I point to him.

He seems happy that he was the first to go. "Did slavery end?" Of course he'd ask that. I'm happy he did though. It's an easier question then one like 'how did we get here?' I wouldn't be able to answer that. "Yea! In the United States slavery ended in 1865. But only until 1964 did they truly gain freedom when segregation between blacks and whites ended." He cheers. "That's great!!" Some of the people in the room laugh. Others smile.

Next was Alex. "Okay Alex. What's your question?" He seems to think. "Where are we?" Ah. They're all gonna freak. "All Of you come with me." I stand up and walk to the sliding glass door opening it to the balcony. "Look." They all step outside and look at it in wonder and excitement. They all look like children. They all talk amongst themselves. "This is New York City." They all look at me surprised. "Yep." I knew what they'd ask they all smile and look at it. Alex sighed happily "It's amazing how much America has changed and progressed every since we died." They all have some form of agreement. I just lay back and let them have this moment.

After a while we all go back in considering it's really cold outside and started to even snow. They all get back where they were and wait. When I get back I sit back down in the chair near the couch. I ain't standing no more. "Lafayette, whats your question?"

He seems really happy that I picked him, then he turns nervous. "Uh... hows France? Is it Free? Like is all the fights over it if it should be free over?" Of corse. I nod. "It's Free as ever. If we're lucky I'll take you back one day." He seems to get overjoyed with this. "Thank you Y/N!" I laugh and nod. "Your welcome!" Please Let more easy questions come.

Hercules is next. "Alright Hercules. What's your question?" He readjusts his Beanie and leans back. "What are you wearing?" I look at myself and laugh a little nervously. "Ah. This is what I wear on a day that I want to do nothing. Key word want. Fashion has changed a lot ever since you guys, well, died. Social normality's and trends have changed drastically and nothing is really the same from back then. Along with that cake the clothing choices." He nods. "Would you mind showing them to me one day?" Of corse. "Of course! Why wouldn't I?" Some of us laugh again. Maybe not Jefferson because he hasn't really known of some of them until today. James laughed a little. Maybe because of how everyone reacted.

Speaking of James, it's his turn. "Alright James. What's your question?" He coughs and then sighs. "Sorry about that." I shake my head. "It's okay." He smiles. "Why dose it seem like you already know everyone here except for me and Thomas?" Thank the lord. What I find funny is that Burr and James sat I between Thomas and Alex to make them as far apart as possible. "Well before this I accidentally traveled back in time. And before you say anything yes I did it accidentally. I was sitting on the couch looking at this watch my sister gave me and I think it's magic because after reading the note out inside and continently thinking of the time back then by some fuckery of physics I ended up back in time!" Everyone laughs. I think they find it funny how I just ended up there.

Now it's Burr. "Okay Burr. What's your question." He nods and looks around. "You said social normality's changed right? What are some of them?" He looks back at me. I think he was observing the environment. "Ooo I like that one. I'll explain it more in detail later but some things that changed are treatment of women, women in the workforce, extensive precautions to secure our nations safety, widely spread equality, fairer Justice systems, better treatment of handicapped and mentally disabled people, better work pay, the thoughts of child Labor, and a lot more. Some of them may not be social constructs but I found worth mentioning." They all look surprised shocked and many other emotions I can't describe. Burr nods. "Thank you Y/N." He acts really formal. Maybe not in the way he talks anymore but definitely his posture and attitude. "Your welcome Burr."

Now this is the one I really have no idea what he'll say. "Okay Thomas. It's your turn." I think he noticed that no one else is here because he's looking around. "Why isn't there anyone else here? Like your family?" Okay that went better than I expected. "Well I don't have a family. I was adopted into one. I have no idea where my birth family is but I know that my new mom turned out to be a bitch, so I moved away. At first I moved far away into a city where I could get some deals making music for big companies. Then my sister found me a place to stay here and That's where we are." Thomas looked surprised. "And you can keep the bills up all by yourself?" Nope. "Only one question till it's your turn again Thomas." He crosses his arms kinda like pouting.

Okay. Back to John. "John?"

"You work with music?"


I'm making this chapter into a two parter because it'll take too long to get through what I need to get through and make the chapters reasonable. Right now I'm eating spaghetti for breakfast so that's good. I think my clock is broken. Have a nice day!

Yours truly, K.R

[On hold] Hold on. (Hamilton time travel AU. Various characters X Reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora