Chapter 6: we need a plan

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Let's just say after about an hour of answering questions I put them on hold.

"Okay, before I answer anymore questions, we have to figure out what we're doing to do." They all stop and look at each other.

"You all are from the past and that's a huge deal. At least to most people. First I think we should come up with sleeping arrangements. We don't know how long you'll be here." I smile to myself happy that I'm actually getting to take action for once. Maybe not under the best circumstances but still.

Lafayette points to a room, it's the guest bedroom. "How many bedrooms do you have?" Oh... I haven't really thought about that... "I have two guest bedrooms. And uh.... I could put an air mattress in each." Nice thinking Y/N. "That should be about three per room roughly. I have an extra air mattress I can set up in my room. Or I can set it up in the living room if anyone wants to sleep alone." I shrug. Seeing as there's seven of them it's almost perfect.

Alex and John seem to instantly pair up. I look at them surprised and John laughs. "We'll sleep together. Plus I have a lot of catching up to do after I died and all." Makes sense. Those two seem really close. "Alright. That's one problem solved." Let's hope no fights break out or anything...

By the end Burr decided he'll sleep alone in the living room. Then everyone else paired up in groups of two. That'd be okay if they would be able to. There's only two rooms and three per room and neither Alex nor Thomas are willing to give up their spots.

"Me and John paired up first! You should have to split up!" Alex isn't letting up. "Well me and James should get—" I tuned them out. It was kinda hard to though.   This went on for a couple minutes. Now I understand why Washington left the office. I wish I could just walk out but I can't. I live here. So I do the next best thing.

I grab the airhorn again and the others who noticed quickly covered their ears while I sounded it off like no tomorrow.

After that everyone was quiet. "Okay! Listen up! I will not have you screaming your heads off in my house! Not while I'm here! Now! Because you two can't seem to make up your damn minds I'll just have to separate you two! How does that sound?!" They don't say anything. They probably aren't willing to argue and test my patience anymore. The airhorn is my only friend in this house hold.

When I look at everyone they're seemingly surprised that I burst like that. "Sorry for yelling. It just had to be said. Anyways. I'll be putting James and John together seeing as they'll probably get along better than putting Thomas and Alex together in one room for a night." Most of them laugh... well except for Thomas and Alex who don't look so happy about the situation. "I'll put Alex in the room with John and James and Thomas in the room with Lafayette and Hercules seeing as they were the only pair who didn't try and cause a ruckus." Hercules laughs a little and Lafayette smiles. "Thanks Mom ami. We didn't want to cause anymore trouble than you seemed to be having." That's nice of them. "Thanks. Now let's get the rooms situated Alright?"

-lil time skip.-

After setting up the rooms I look at the kitchen. "Now I need to get groceries. I'm going to have to bring some people along because I need help carrying the groceries and I want to know what you guys might like to eat. I can't bring all of you though because that'd just bring us unwanted attention. And considering that I'd have to get clothes for all of you it'd be pretty hard." John seems to want to ask something so I point at him. "Yes John?" I don't think he was expecting s to call on him like a teacher would but nonetheless he says something. "Oh! Um. Well I was thinking. Because you'd have to bring some of us along dose that mean you have clothes that fit us or?" Ah yes my bland winter closet. "Well in the winters I just wear oversized sweaters and hoodies. They're cheaper, stylish and comfortable. So I'm sure I'll have something for three of you at least. And I have three winter jackets seeing as it's started to snow." I point outside and the snows actually started to get pretty heavy.

James coughs and then looks at everyone. "So who will go with you?" Now this is the hard part. "That's a good question. But I've already found out who will be in charge when I'm gone." Burr leans over. He grabbed a chair and sat next to me a while ago not wanting to sit next to the others on the couch. Accordingly him it was getting cramped. "Who'd you pick Y/N?" I smile and lean back. "Burr, James. I'm putting you both in charge while I'm gone. Though I'd like you two to come along I feel like you two would be better prepared if anything happened here. Like a neighbor coming over or my dog sitter dropping off my dogs." Burr and James don't complain whatcha is a plus for me. "So I'll be taking John. Because I definitely have some clothes that he can put on." He gives himself a little victory. Now who else. I look at everyone and think it over. "Lafayette. I may have stuff that fits you." And now last but not least..... uh.... "And Alex. Because I can't trust your ass here alone with Jefferson." John snorts and Lafayette sighs and nods smiling. Hercules laughs a little. Thomas looks offended. "Now that's a little rude don't you think Y/N." I wave my hand. "You know it's true." Alex shrugs. "She has a point." "Oh quit it Hamilton!"

I clap my hands and point to them. "See what I mean?! You two will burn down the building before I come back!" Alex nods in agreement. "I don't think you'd want your house to be in shambles so I'll come." I jump up. "That's the spirit! Now all three of you come with me and put on some oversized sweaters and stuff!"

-time skip due to Spaghetti and going camping for like the fourth time this month.-

After getting them all in clothes, witch took forever I walk out. "Okay! So now while I'm out you all can explore the house if you want. Oh! Hercules, can maybe find out the sizes of everyone here while we go out. Sound like a plan?" Herc nods and stands up. "Sounds like a plan! Do you have anything I can use?" I hand him a pencil, paper and point to a drawer. "There's stuff in there that you can use." He smiles. "Thanks Y/N." "

"No problem Herc, now lets go!" And as soon as I open the door something falls on me. "What the?"

I take it off my head and find my coat shirt and pants from when I traveled back in time. Then I hear one of the weirdest but also funniest things I've heard today.



There! That's the end of this chapter. Sorry it's rushed. I'm going camping soon and I won't be able to work on any chapters for a while. At least four days or more considering how far away it is. Anyways, I've also been taking care of my garden and a little hotdog dog that I have. His name's Archie and he's a good boi. I'm gonna finish my spaghetti. See y'all probably tomorrow! Bye!

Your truly, K.R.

[On hold] Hold on. (Hamilton time travel AU. Various characters X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now