Chapter 3: too many secrets given?

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When we got to the bar I was pretty happy that I'm of legal drinking age back home. Sure I only had one drink but it was still pretty crazy that I managed to go back in time in the first place. Like who would be able to say that they went back in time and met our founding fathers? Probably only me so far.

Well back to the conversation that the others were having it was just about stealing the cannons. Im pretty much zoned out of it because I already know what's going to happen. At this point I'm just trying to figure out how to get home.

"Yo Connor. You being a little quiet over there." I looked up and of course it was John. Seeing as he was sitting right next to me. "Ah, just thinking. Sorry." The others seemingly joined in our conversation now. Hercules waved his hand. "It's okay. There's probably a lot on your mind." I nod but..... the look he's giving me makes it seem like he knows something and I get a little nervous. I don't know what he knows but it can't be good. He's a spy! Of course he'd be able to figure something out! It looks like my nervousness confirmed whatever he was thinking so that's not good.

Burr sets his glass down and looks over. "So where are you from? Your from France but what part of it?" THANK GOD FOR CHANGING THE SILENT TOPIC. "Oh! I'm just from a small town near the ocean. Not a very wealthy town. It's not labeled on any maps so you wouldn't be able to find it." Good choice. They seemed pretty good with that answer.

Alex looks at me. "So how old are you again Connor? You never told us." I cross my arms in a sassy manner. "You never told me either." He face palms. We all laugh. This is actually more fun than I first thought it would be. "Anyways to answer your question I am 21."

Lafayette puts his hand on his chin like he's thinking. "If we are going to ask questions can I ask one?" That's great. Now they're going to question me. Obviously a bad sign if you didn't want to be caught being suspicious. "What's that in your pocket? It looks like a gun almost." My pistol. If one thing will set off alarms it's that. It's a (f/c) and black pistol. (If your favorite colors black then it's grey and black.) "oh, um. That's a pistol." I pull it out and put it on the table. "A friend gave it to me as a gift before I left. It gets the job done pretty well." He grabs it and looks at it. "How would you be able to shoot something from a thing this small?"

I start to sweat a little. "I don't know how guns work. I just know how to shoot it." He laughs and puts it down. "It seems like a good gift." I nod fast. Trying to stay calm. The fact that I have to come up with stories on the spot and remember them is hard enough but trying to stay calm with the potential of getting killed if I don't keep this secret, It's hard to stay calm. "Yea. They were really nice."

Alex looks over across from John. "What was his name?" Well this is easy, It's just a name! "His name's Markus. Really interesting guy." Burr nods. "He sounds like a nice man."

Hercules finishes his drink and gets another one. "Why did you really ask what the date was?" FUC- okay stay calm. "I-I was just on the boat for a really long time. And who can blame me for losing track of the date. I payed for the cheapest ship here. No one really payed attention." I said it really fast and now everyone looks suspicious. "Mom ami your a bad lier." THIS ISN'T GOING THE WAY I EXPECTED.

"Well I think it was!" And I forgot to sound like a guy! Isn't this just great?! Alex seems to choke on his drink while everybody else just looks at me. I laugh nervously and rub the back of my neck. "Surprise???" I'm going to die here. Burr looks at me with a questioning look. "Care to explain why you pretend to be a guy?" THANK THE LORD I CAN COME UP WITH SOMETHING!

I take a breath and nod. "Well you see... the reason I really had to ask for the date was because I'm not from this time." They all look like they're about to blow up or yell at the top of their lungs about something I Stop them. "Now hold up! Before you go doing anything let me explain. I was in my house sitting on the couch and was exhausted after getting a lot of things unpacked. I was looking at my watch my sister gave me when I remembered that I had something to do. So I grabbed my coat and started to get ready when I suddenly got transported here. I grabbed my gun, the watch and my phone before I came and that's it. At least before I ran into Alex. That's why my clothes looked off and my pistol. Also the reason why I was so clueless about a lot of things." I laugh nervously and shrink in on myself.

Alex looks suspicious. Well more suspicious than everyone else. "Can you prove it?" How would I be able to prove it....? My phone? Ah! My phone!

I nod and start to pull it out. "Yea! I have something right here!" I place it on the table and turn it on. They all look shocked. There was a lot of "How did you do that?!"s and "what is this?" And stuff like that. They all said it Quietly though so it didn't draw much attention. "It's a phone. You can use it to take pictures, look up anything you want to know and talk to anyone around the world." I grab it back and put it away. After that they all calm down and started asking me questions.

Hercules stopped everyone. "Wait what's your real name then?" I almost forgot to tell them my name! "My name's actually (Y/N)(L/N). And it's nice to actually meet you if you want to put it like that." We all laugh. John sticks out his hand. Nope. "Well it's nice to meet you (Y/N)." I give him a high five instead. "Nice to meet you too." He looked shocked but then didn't question it.

After all those questions and stuff we all just talked and joked around in the bar. All of us were more laid back and pretty comfortable. I sigh and look outside. It's almost sunset. This day went by fast. I pulled out the note and re-read it finally getting how I got here.

"if you ever feel lost, or scared, look out the window and imagine how many others did as well just to share that same view... and imagine who will else would soon look out it with you. And who else did. The memories of the past can take you down many paths in the future so chose the people who will look out that window with you wisely. Because I'm so lucky to be looking at it with you." I think they heard me because they stopped talking.

John looked at the note. "Who's that from?" I looked up panicked. "Oh! It's just from my adoptive sisters dad.... I read it when I was back home. Maybe it's how I got here?" I looked back up at the window and smiled. "It's a nice note." I looked over at who said it but, it was all black....

"I never got to say goodbye....."
After a while of just standing there I look down sadly and sit on the couch. They probably won't remember me. Who knows?! Maybe the magic got rid of their memory of me? I sigh and lay down scratching at the thing around my neck. "These things are really itchy." Maybe I should keep this..... at least I'll have one thing that'll make it look like I'm not crazy.

After around ten minutes I was back home. No time had passed.

"Everything looks the same...." I'm still pretty bummed out that I didn't get to say goodbye. And I wanted to spend more time together! Who am I kidding?! They looked so excited about the future! I wanted to bring them along once I figured out how!

I sigh and walk off to my bedroom deciding to go to the store tomorrow. I change out of the uniform Hercules gave me and lay down. Before I go to sleep I remember one thing.

"I forgot my damn jacket."


So! How was that? I liked this chapter. Even if it was a little messy. It's pretty fun to write this story. And! I didn't write this one at an ungodly hour! I finished it at 5:00 PM! Isn't that something!? Other than that I'm really hungry. I had an early lunch so it's reasonable. Anyways I hope you had a wonderful day/night! See ya!

Yours truly, K.R

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