Chapter 8, Dogs and Zoe!

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Halfway home I pulled the car over to my dog sitters house. I have just enough money to pay.... when I pull up and get out I motion for the others to stay. They do and stay strangely quiet.

When I knock I can already hear Zteč barking at the door. He can tell it's me. Probably because my car makes a weird sound. It's not like other cars and you can hear it if you know what it sounds like. ( I'm talking about my moms car. You can hear that thing two houses down. )

When the door opens I bend down and hug Zteč. Miel then walks over and joins in the hug. "Hey guys, did you miss me?!" Then I get a bark and licked in the face. After that I stand up and grab their leashes. "Hey Zoe. Thanks for taking care of my dogs."

Zoe is one of my childhood friends. We did meet on the Internet at first but once I realized she lived in New York I begged my mom to let me go see her. After a lot of convincing we finally met. Ever since then we've been tied to the hip. Except for when I moved away to get closer to one of the companies I worked for. There were actually two companies in the area. I know that one of them was for video games. I worked with them. I still get a lot of money from all that stuff.

When I moved back here I had moved in with my mom. Soon after three months I was in a relationship with Zoe. We quickly realized were better off as friends but she had convinced me to get my own apartment faster than I planned. My mom wasn't the nicest person. Always worried about her job and never really had time for us. That brings us up to today. We're still really good friends and we look out for each other.

"Don't worry about it N/N. (Nick name.)  I'm just glad you got your own apartment now. I do have some boxes of yours that you need to take. I also still have your guitar set." I shake my head and point to the car. "I have a full load that I need to take back. I can't fit anything else in there except the dogs." Great excuse Y/N. "Ah. Well next week your taking it. No matter what."

"Yea Yea, and how are you going to do that?" I cross my arms. She then proceeds to give my The 'don't test me look.' "Okay okay. Yea I'll take it. Listen. Here's your money. I gotta go. See ya!" I hand her the money and walk away my dogs walking next to me. "Bye N/N!" And she slams the door. Typical.

When I put the dogs in their crates they all look like kids seeing the most fluffy dog and wanting to pet it. Alex pokes my shoulder. "What kinds of dogs are those?" I look back and point to Zteč. "That one there is Zteč. He's a Utonagan dog." He's a very loyal dog. He follows me around the house no matter what.

It's Zteč!

Then I point to Miel. "That ones Miel. She's a golden retriever." She's also a bit of a couch potato. But she loves cuddles and she's really cute so I'll let it slide.

Miel also has a fondness for the ocean and beach. Something I should plan to visit with the boys sometime. I think they'll like it.

I guess I got caught up in my thinking because we're already here. "Oh... okay everyone. Grab as many groceries as you can. We're making this a one way trip." Lafayette looks worried. "Y/N, what about your dogs?" DONT YOU DARE THINK I FORGOT MY BABIES.

I put my hands on my hips. "I'm walking them back with groceries in my hands. I don't care how had it'll be they are my fur babies." I close the door and I look at they're very confused faces. I almost laughed but I want to keep them confused.

When I opened the back I got attacked by two cuddly creatures. "Zteč! Miel! This isn't cuddle time!" I put them on leashes and put them both on my opposite shoulders. I've trained them to stay calm and by my side if I even walk them so I'm not worried.

Alex got out and gasped walking over to Zteč and petting him. "This ones Zteč... right?" I nod and give him the leash. "Yep. Now you walk Zteč." He gets up shocked. "What?! Why me?" I look at him and smile. "You seem to like Zteč. And don't worry. He won't leave your side. Even if you let go of the leash." I whistle and point to Alex.

Zteč looks up and stops wagging his tail. He doesn't really trust Alex I guess...

I roll my eyes and hug Alex and Zteč barks. When I let go the look on Alex's face is pure shock. I laugh a little and pat his shoulder. "You gonna carry stuff or what?" He seems to snap out of it and he grabs some. "O-Of course. Just a little shocked that's all." He grabs as many as he can. I can see that the others were smothering Miel with love. Due to the fact that I can see her fur on their clothes.

I grab as much as I can. "Alright! Someone close the trunk. We're going back to the apartment." I walk as fast as I can. I grabbed the most because I'm not a pussy and I wanna show the others what I normally do after shopping.

I hear the shuffling of groceries and a dog so I'm just gonna assume they're following me.

When we get back to the apartment I set all of my groceries down by the door and let Miel meet the others. I see her run around and walk up to the others. Some get really surprised. I know that James started petting the living daylights out of her. Guess he likes dogs. I gotta tell ya it was a pretty cute sight to watch.

I grab the books that I got and set them all on the coffee table. "I got stuff." They all walk over and start looking at the books. When the other three come in they set the books in their bags on the coffee table. I then snatch the frozen stuff from everyone and pack it. I'm not letting that stuff get gross.

Someone tapped my shoulder and me being me I almost slapped them. It was Just Hercules though so I quickly diverted my slap and accidentally hit my cabinet. "Ah! Hercules don't scare me!" He puts his hands up in surrender. "I got the stuff you wanted me to get. Also that show is really good." Steven universe is a good show. "Oh, thank you! And it's called Steven universe." He nods. "Do you want any help putting this stuff away?" He points to the mountain of groceries.

I'm not getting that done alone. "Please...?" He laughs and pats my back. "Of course!"


Hey guess what! There's a possible murder on the run in my town! Fun! Other than that I recently went to this place called 5wits. It's pretty fun! It's an interactive puzzle solving experience. Other than that I've been clothes shopping and other stuff. Getting prepared for school because I don't want to do it last minute. Anyways this chapter is short but it has dogs. Hope you like it! See ya!

Yours truly, K.R.

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