Chapter Fourteen

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The drive back to Queens was exhausting, my mind was going crazy. I know I needed to have it together, but how would you be if your little brothers killer just got away. I know some part of me has actual human emotions, but I'm a hero and I need to put other people before me. At all times.
"Oh my god. Emily are you okay" my mom said grabbing me and crying.
"I saw Peyton's killer. He caused this" I said to my mom and dad looking at the ground.
"Honey, you know we don't talk about this, or think about this. Ever. We had an agreement" my dad said to me.
"But dad you don't understand what this is doing to me. All these emotions are coming back" I said to him.
"And that's why we want to forget everything of that time" my dad said, no longer being empathetic.
"So you want me to just push all of these emotions back, you want me to ignore them" I asked my parents.
"Well yes" my mom said to me.
"You want to know what I'm feeling now? Anger. At you two, I can't believe you right now. I'm staying over at Aunt May's" I said to them grabbing my bag.
"Honey wait" my mom said grabbing my arm.
"No, I'll be back tonight to get more clothes" I said pulling away.
"Emily, how are you doing" Aunt May asked me, hugging me.
"I'm fine, it was a lot, but I'm fine now. Peter how are you" I asked.
"I'm okay, it has been a lot. I just hope this creep gets caught" Peter said.
"Aunt May, I was wondering if I could spend tonight,  uh my mom and my dad are going on a trip, they said they could cancel" I said.
"No, no. You can stay as long as you like" Aunt May said grabbing my bag and putting it in her car. "I thought we could go out to eat" she said.
"Sounds good to me. Mexican?" Peter asked.
"Sure" Aunt May said.
We all went home, I guess I'm calling this home now, and I texted Mr. Stark. He said he would meet me after school tomorrow to "negotiate" things. Whatever he meant by that I would find out.
"Thank you so much" I said to Peter.
"For what" Peter said.
"Everything" I said to Peter. I actually sleep well here, I feel safe here.
School went well, everyone was talking about "Spider-Man and Transparent saving the day" or "how cool we were" if they only knew I really was.
"Hey Happy, how you holding up" I said as Happy rolled his eyes.
"Oh that's great" I said sarcastically.
"Just go and see Mr. Stark" Happy said.
"Is Spider-Man here yet" I asked him.
"No your here first" Happy said then leading me into the room where Mr. Stark was. Then Spider-Man came in a couple seconds after me.
"You didn't have to call me. I knew what happened. You guys are stupid teenagers" Mr. Stark said.
"Well will all due respect sir, what else were we suppose to do, call the Avengers" Spider-Man asked.
"No, call me. This is  below the Avengers pay grade. Little evil villains that what to prove something stupid—." Mr Stark said.
"He killed my little brother Mr. Stark" I interrupted.
"What? Why did you not tell me this" Mr Stark asked.
"Because I needed to forget, I needed to restart and focus on my hero work instead of grief, you found me after my little brother died" I said to him.
"You are a teenager, no one asked you to do that" Mr. Stark said.
"I'm a teenager, with the ability to turn invisible" I yelled. "My life changed when I got powers, I don't regret that day in the slightest. My life changed for the good and the bad." I said more quietly.
"That's it, you are not allowed to come 50 feet within this guy" Mr Stark said.
"That's not fair, you can take her off" Spider-Man said.
"Your right I can't take her off and leave you by yourself, you'll be vulnerable. So I'm taking you both off. Your emotional teenagers" Mr. Stark said.
"With superpowers" Spider-Man yelled.
"End of discussion" Mr. Stark said. Then the hologram went away.
"Wait he wasn't even here" I asked Happy.
"He does not have time to meet in person with teenagers" Happy said. Spider-Man and I both grunted.
"God I can't believe this" I yelled.
"What happened, I mean to your little brother" Spider-Man asked me sympathetically. I turned away from looking at him.
"I  had been a superhero for  about a year. There was this villain, Venomous, and like a usual villain he thought that all superheroes were wrong, that once we fix things humans just mess it up again. He was a different villain, he got in your head and used the people you love to block out your common sense. One night he had my brother tied up and hung him from a building, and then he had a rope tied onto a  train that was leaning off of the building, he truly one of the strongest men. He gave me a choice, a bus full of people or my brother. I tried to go for both, shooting arrows at both ropes. But he dropped both. I had to do everything possible for Mr Stark to not find out, what chance would I have at being an Avenger" I said wiping a tear from my eye, hoping I wouldn't cry through my mask. Spider-Man hugged me.
"What is this for" I asked.
"You know, when someone is sad you hug them" Spider-Man said.
"You are some super hero, you are some human" I said crying over his shoulder.

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