Chapter Eighteen

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"Hey Happy I need to check on my mom so, I'm going to go" I said walking out the door.
"Hold on, I'm going with you. Peter is not the one I'm worried about leaving" he said coming with me and calling one of Mr. Starks cars to drive us, even though it was only a couple blocks.
"I'll wait in the car, but if you take longer than 10 minutes I will going on a hunt" Happy said.
I knew neither of my parents were home, but Happy didn't. I went into my room and got my old super suit, I keep it for a souvenir. I never thought I would need it for this reason. It is a purple hoodie that zips all the way up my face with a ponytail and two eye cuts in it, black leggings, a black hand-sewn mask, a black belt, black heel boots, and a wooden bow with arrows. My suit and my arrows didn't turn in invisible with me, that was one of the many flaws.
I put my normal clothes over my "super suit" and ran out to the car.
"How were your parents" Happy asked.
"Do you really care" I asked sarcastically.
"No, let's just get back to the hospital" Happy said.
We drove back to the hospital, which again I should point out probably took longer than it would walking.
"Oh my god. Where is he. NURSE. Where is Peter Parker" Happy asked very stressed out.
"Oh my god. No I don't" the nurse said panicked.
We all looked out the open window.
"What do you know about this" Happy turned to me and asked agitated.
"I-I don't know" I said lying. This was all part of the plan.
"I know you know, but I also know your not telling me anything" Happy said then grabbing his phone. "Tony? Yes I know your busy. But these teenagers are worse than raising 3 year olds. Peter is gone. Yes, I need help finding him! He's only teenager I know, but are you forgetting he can swing from a 60 story building Tony! Fine I'll handle it just get me some back up please. Yes I know YOUR my BOSS. Goodbye Tony" Happy said hanging up his phone and sighing.
"You stay here. You still want to be on the Avengers right?" Happy said looking at me.
"Of course" I said rolling my eyes as he walked out of the door.
But as soon as he was gone I closed the door and changed into my super suit that was underneath. Then I jumped out of the window. And yes when I landed I did the super hero landing, landing on one knee and my fist on the ground. I then got up and jumped back to the top of the building to run on the top of them. Me and Peter's plan was going perfectly. I got to the cargo dock. Peter and I hacked the hospital computer and sent out a message to Venomous for him to meet us here, well me here Peter wouldn't be fighting. I didn't see Peter.
"Peter?" I called.
Then I felt someone put one arm around my neck and one around my mouth, then I passed out.
When I woke up I had a cloth in my mouth and a huge headache, but I could I haven't been passed out that long. Then I looked around, I was in a giant warehouse and right across from me was Peter, he was conscious but had a cloth in his mouth. Both of us worked our cloth out of our mouth.
"Peter are you okay" I asked concerned about his injuries.
"I'm not the best, but hey I'm here with you so I'm fine" Peter said smiling.
"Not the right time for that. Oh and may I ask, WHY DO YOU HAVE YOUR SUPER SUIT ON" I yelled.
"Well I would say it's all part of the trick on him, which didn't work out the best, but....I thought I could fight too" Peter said.
"You have no idea what I would without you Peter, your my best friend and you also happen to be my partner in saving crime" I said.
"I know, but I've been thinking, if I get hurt one time and give up, I should not be a super hero" he said to me.
"I know" I said looking down. "We need to get out of here" I said I grabbed one of my arrows which Venomous stupidly didn't take away. I used it to cut the rope around my arms then I went and cut Peter's.
"Where is he" Peter said. We both looked around. This wasn't just some warehouse, this was his lair. He had a glass box which I'm assuming he kept his glider in, gas bombs, a snake, and a backup villain suit.
Then he finally came out, almost on cue.

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