twenty two

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jungkook remained speechless as he stared at the boy in front of him.

this action made taehyung anxious, so looked away from jungkook's stare.

"s-stop staring," taehyung said, looking away.

jungkook then blinked and immediately apologized, which the older accepted.

he sat beside jungkook and smiled under his mask.

something clicked on jin's mind and he pointed at taehyung. "you're that pizza delivery guy!"

taehyung looked surprised. "w-what? how did you...?"

jin clapped. he looked proud of himself.

"i couldn't just forget about that deep voice, you know! oh and by the way," jin turned to jimin. "you're both staying right?"

jimin glanced at his friend, taehyung only nodded. "yeah, sure."

jin smiled. "let's all eat pizza then! jungkook's paying!"


"are you sure you're not eating, taehyung?" jin asked taehyung again.

taehyung only shook his head. "i'm sure. besides, i already ate earlier. don't worry about me."

jin blinked as he took a bite from his pizza. "i'll never get over the fact that your voice is so deep."

jimin chuckled. "you'll get used to it."

after jin ate the last slice of pizza, they all walked towards jin's car.

jungkook couldn't help but stare at the man beside him. he raised his phone and took a picture of taehyung.

the older noticed this and winked.

"you could've just asked, you know." taehyung teased, giggling.

jungkook blushed. "s-sorry."

"pfft, i was kidding. don't apologize." taehyung chuckled. "and besides, i'm happy that i met my idol." he wiggled his eyebrows at jungkook.

"your idol? well i'm happy i met my fan!" jungkook decided to play along. they both laughed at their silliness.

jungkook and jin went inside the car while jimin and taehyung waved goodbye.

"i'll see you soon, goldenkookie!"

when they left, jimin teased taehyung until he was red as a tomato.

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