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Voices by Motionless In White played in his ear as his pencil moved swiftly across the paper.  His friends had left long ago and he honestly didn't want to go home.  3 days left until he changes to a nicer school.  One with cuter boys.  No he couldn't think that way.  That's why he has to leave.  The electronic sound of Sexting by Blood On The Dance Floor played and he tore his earbuds out.

-----3 days later-----

*Chris' POV*

I walked through the halls of my new school with my head down.  The only things that could be heard were the whispers and murmurs of people talking about the new girl.  The girl that went outside of expectation.  I was only identified by the outfit I wore.  It was the school's uniform for females.  A skirt and shirt.  I wasn't able to wear my jeans and sweatshirt like normal but they couldn't prevent me from wearing my piercings.  I had snake bites and a nostril piercing.  My cartilage piercings shone from my exposed ears.  I have what is called a buzzed pixie cut.  My hair was dyed a dark shade of blue and was bright against my dark makeup.  Black lipstick, heavy eyeliner, dark eyeshadow.  I'll admit, I looked like a racoon.  I walked into my new classroom and found an open seat in the back of the classroom.  At this point you are probably wondering my name.  I'm Ashley Jones.  I'm an 18 year old trans boy from Lewisburg Pennsylvania.  My birth name may be Ashley but i prefer to be called Chris.  I wear a binder to hide what would normally define me as a girl.  I'm not just trans, I'm pansexual as well.  At my old school I had a boyfriend.  He was emo/goth like me but he was actually born male.  He was also gay.  I wish to meet someone like him here.  A boy walked over to me and planted his hands on my desk so he could look at me without being so high up.  This was a tall boy with a smirk plastered to his face.

"What's your name?"  he said with some type of asian accent. 

"What does it matter to you?"  I asked with a stern voice.

"You are new here and I am not.  Need more?"  he said.

"Chris."  I said.

"That's a boy name.  You are a girl, right?"

"Heard of a little thing called 'transgender'?"

"Ohhhhhh, I see."  he said standing up.

"Alex, please return to your seat and stop pestering the young lady."  Said the teacher, Mr. Brig.  The boy sighed and walked a couple seats ahead of Chris.

"Mr. Brig, I'm not a girl."  Chris said.

"Oh?"  he said looking confused.

"My name is Chris, I may be a physical female but I'm a boy, I'm trans."  He said.

"Very interesting."  said Mr. Brig.  "My apologies."

*Alex's POV*

The whole day the only thing I could think about was that girl, no, boy.  He was fucking cute.  But, I'm straight.  Right?  Maybe it's just because of that boy's physical state.  His physical features are probably just fucking with my mind.

"Aye, Alex."  My best bud, Josh snaps his fingers in front of my eyes pulling me back to reality.

"What do you want?"  I looked at him with an annoyed expression.

"What's on your mind?"  he asks looking somewhat concerned. 

"Have you seen the new kid?"

"They boy/girl thing?  Yeah I have math class with it."
"Dude.  You know he's a boy."

"People like that are like aliens to me."  He stuck his tongue out and made a face.

"Shut up, Asshole."  I flicked him in the head causing him to bite his tongue. 

"Fuck you..."  he grumbled as he lay an ice cube on his tongue to soothe the pain.

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