A Car, a Torch, and a Death

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I stood up and walked over to Mia's mom.

"What happened? What's wrong?" I asked her guiding her to a chair.

"M-Mia mig-ght no-t ma-ke it to-to see a-a-nother day." She sobbed into my shoulder as I hugged her comforting her.

—— le time skip bc I'm a potato—— the next day

I woke up next to Alex in the hospital lobby.  Mia's mom had left hours ago.  She said she didn't want to be here to see her daughter possibly not survive.  The doctors were going to let me see her in 30 minutes.

Alex was snoring with his mouth slightly ajar.

"Cute..." I mumbled as I pulled out my phone.  I snapped a quick photo of him while he slept peacefully, then I remembered where I was.  I walked to the desk and asked if I could see her.  The nurse led me to her room.

"Mia..." I whispered.  "I'm sorry... I- I should've been better, I shouldn't have left you alone..."

The monitor tore me from my thoughts.  It was slowing down.  Rapidly.  I yelled for a nurse because it was really low now.

"No..." Nurses and doctors rushed past me to help her.  They couldn't save her.  The monitor beeped as she let out a final, shallow breath.  I sank to the floor.  Crying silently.  Tears wouldn't stop flowing down my cheeks and neck.  A couple nurses pulled me up and helped me out of the room.  Alex rushed over to me and hugged me, pulling me into his chest and stroking my hair.  I soaked his shirt with my silent tears.

"She's gone... Alex, she left, and it's my fault.  I left her alone... She isn't coming back... What do I do now??"  I rambled into his chest as he tried to soothe my nerves.


Alex took me to his car and drove to the middle of nowhere.  He got out and pulled a lighter, matches and gasoline out of his trunk.  He began pouring the gasoline in a pattern I didn't understand.  He handed me the lighter and matches.  I lit one on fire and threw it into the gasoline.  It caught instantly and burned into a pentagram.  The flame burned in the reflection of my eyes as I stared.  I didn't see Alex move to stand next to me until he wrapped his arms around my waist from behind me.

"Thanks, babe." I whispered.

Well, short chapter and very depressing as well.  I apologize for having Mia die.  I just thought it would edge the mood.


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