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I'm scared. Mia is gone and I feel all alone... This dark room... why are the walls black? Where is everyone? I could've sworn I was in class... 

Chris!  CHRIS! WAKE UP!! 

I suddenly jolted awake and there I was sitting in class.  I looked around to see everyone staring at me. 

"Chris, are you ok? You were sleeping and mumbling nonsense while crying.  We were worried." My science teacher, Mrs. Kang, said.  I felt my face and sure enough, it was wet with tears.

"I'm fine, sorry to worry you. Umm... can I go to the bathroom?" I asked nervously.

"Yes, take as much time as needed."  

"Thank you, Mrs. Kang," I said leaving the classroom.  I ran to the bathroom and stared in the mirror.  My eyes were red and puffy.

Must've slept for a while to look like this.  Damn it. I mentally cursed for sleeping again.  The stall door opened behind me and in the mirror, I saw Mark Bransen, the asshole of the school.

"This is the men's room you know. No girls." He said.

"Hate to burst your bubble, Mark, I'm a boy,"  I replied turning to face him.

"Haha, funny.  That skirt says otherwise." He smirked while looking down at my uniform.

"I'm forced to wear this. I'm 100% a boy. Now go away."  I said turning back to the mirror to fix myself.

"Why don't I check in your pants and we see who's right?" His smirk grew as he stared at my ass.

"Fuck off, pervert," I said not even sparing him a glance. He suddenly slapped my ass causing me to gasp.  I heard him chuckle at my reaction and I turned to him.  I grabbed his collar and punched him as hard as I could.  I kicked his weak spot and he fell to the ground groaning.

"Spiked boots, help when assholes don't know when to quit." I walked out and left him on the floor.


When I got home I walked upstairs and without paying attention, walked into Mia's room.  Her bed was neatly made and she had her favorite outfit laying out.  I saw that her little penguin plushy that she'd won for her 12th birthday was laying on her bed.  I remember that day crystal clear. I'd never seen her smile so big until she'd met Jake.  I remember how he made her feel, she was accepted and loved more than ever.  Now she's gone.  Unconsciously, silent tears began streaming from my eyes as I fell to my knees in the doorway.  Under the bed, something caught my eye.  A folded paper lay there.  I reached towards it.  It read:

If you read this, I must be gone.  If I'm not, God can suck my ass for making me suffer.  Jake cheated and that hurts more than anything.  I thought he loved me.  If Chris sees this, I hope he gets everything he deserves, love, acceptance, everything he ever wished for.  I'm sorry, Mom.  I know I'm only 17, but there is nothing that anyone could've done.  I wish I had told you that I was suicidal, that I could never sleep, the reasons I didn't eat, I'm sorry.  I hope where I go next is better than this hellhole of reality.  I'm sorry for leaving you alone, Chris.  Please live your lives happy and warm, not the way I lived mine.  I love you both.  Goodbye.


I sat there reading and re-reading the letter for hours. Crying. Alone. I could hear my phone ringing, probably Alex, but I was too weak to answer.  It was dark when I went downstairs and placed the letter on the table.  I shuffled upstairs and changed into my hoodie and shorts.  I wrapped up with my earbuds in and played random songs.  I cried and cried and cried.  There was nothing I could do.  Mia was gone and she wanted me to be happy.  But I wasn't.  I had to figure out a way to complete her wishes and live my life.  I called Alex and told him to come over.


Hope you liked it.  I couldn't sleep due to random issues tHAT PREVENT ME FROM SLEEPING AT RANDOM TIMES!!! FUCKING HELL!! in my head i was english for a sec. whoops.~.~

Anyways, have a great day/night and pls comment/vote it really helps(yea helps my self-esteem) Ignore that my voices are distracting sometimes.  Whatever. Nite!!

~~Emo Rat With Random Issues

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