Chapter 9: Bye Bye Baby

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The death of my uncle wasn't a big shock. Alzehmiers is a mental disease that can kill you. My mom knew his time on earth would end soon. But anyone could understand how she feels, her brother died. He raised her when Jasmine, my grandmother, didn't bother to raise any of them. Now it was just her and three other brothers. She planned the funeral, kept it small and quick. They buried him. Uncle DJ died in his sleep, it wasn't the Alzehmiers that killed him he died naturally. I guess he wanted to go on his own. My mom didn't cry, I think. I never saw her cry. Anybody who knows Major T knows she's the toughest woman alive and is good at burying her feelings. Shit, just ask my dad.

You know the story. Better me.

A week later it was graduation day, I graduated from high school. I'm  proud of myself, next stop UCLA. My parents were so fucking happy. They were there and supported me which made me feel happy. The majority of students at school were white and were going to bigger colleges like Yale or Princeton.

My plan was solid. I decided on going to UCLA and keep up with YouTube with Carmen. She and Jaylen started dating, I don't know if she's given him the official title of her boyfriend. I hadn't heard from Chris since prom night. I was worried at first but I see everyday he has a new post on Instagram. He didn't call or text me. I'm beginning to think he was bull shitting me.

I'm not sure if I really did have a crush on him though. Yeah I liked him a lot but I wasn't crazy over him until he kissed me. So was everything he told me true? Maybe, maybe not.

Right now I'm packing up my closet. I found a nice apartment to move into close to college campus. Of course my parents would be helping me with rent but if YouTube wasn't cutting it then I planned on getting a job real soon. I'm a woman now I gotta stay on top of my shit. Do more things independently.

I hear my ringtone and check caller ID. Carmen. I plug my ear buds in my phone then slide it in my jean shorts pocket.

"Whats up?" I say going back to packing my clothes.

"Hola chica." She giggled.

"Hola best friend."

"Whatcha doing?"

"Packing. I'm getting the fuck outta my parent's house."

"Damn if I were you I would stay there for as long as I could."

"I know you would but I'm 18 and starting college in the fall. Ooh we can spend all summer making new videos once we get settled in our new places."

"Yeah totally! Oh speaking of that Jaylen asked me something."


"He asked me to move in with him, he found a really nice apartment."

"What the fuck! Y'all only been dating 3 weeks! Tell me you said no?"

"Of course I did but I still wasn't sure. I really like him."

"Sounds to me like he tryna get something outta you."

"No TJ." She sighed. Carmen really liked Jaylen, a lot. "I'll let you go I gotta keep looking for a place to live. The sooner I'm away from my so-called parents the better."

"Come over and do a video with me."


"Aight, bye."

"Bye." We hung up.

Inside my closet in the very back was a box. A regular cardboard box that was kinda heavy as I pulled it out. Sitting on the floor I opened it and inside were pictures and a blanket and a video tape. The pictures were of me when I was little, at least five years old and younger. I recognized one of the pictures was an old memory of me and Dad. I was four and we were at my aunt Patricia's house.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2019 ⏰

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