The Pizza Guy

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As me and Niall made are way to the living room, everyone was string at us like they know something we didn't. "vas happening?" Zyan said laughing

"Zyan?!," liam said "I thought you said that was old and you weren't going to say it any more?"

"Well you see young liam," zyan said trying to sound like some wise old man, " vas happening, is a phrase that comes and goes, like something Perrie says about fashion it comes one day and is old the next, but next thing you know is it is back in style." he finished with a smile on his face like he had just done something incredible. And you know he actually had a point about things coming and going and then there back, because that is almost what my mom tells me when I start talking about one direction. she will look at me and say' it's just another one of those things that you like for a month or more and then you hate them.' And then my friend told me that that's what happened to her, except she said they got annoying after a while. I just thank there crazy, my mom and my friend.

"OK OK, you win!" liam tells zayn

"Can we please order some food know, I am about to die of starvation!" Louis said falling to the floor like he was dieing

"While according to my Health Science teacher you can go a week or so without any food but you do need water." I said trying to aggravate Louis, and I think it worked.

"Smart Ass!" he teased as he got back on his feet. I don't think Niall though it was to funny.

"I don't appreciate your language towards my girlfriend lou!" Niall said in a angry tone. I guess he forgot about not telling them till tomorrow.

"Wait did you say,.... girlfriend. ....?" Harry said with the most devastated look on his face.

"Yes, that is what I said ,and I am proud of myself for saying it to you know instead of tomorrow. lads I am sorry but I asked and she said yes ,but if it's not ok with you lads we could brake up." he said In the saddest way he could possible.

"No that won't be necessary Niall, if you lads don't remember on the way here, the oath Sam made us take . About if a really pretty, beautiful, gorgeous, stunning,...."he was interrupted

"Ok stop flirting with my love, and get to the point Louis!" Niall said

"OK, OK, about if there was a girl here that more than one of us like, we wouldn't fight over her, or destroy the band and our friendships with each other. We would let her choose who she wanted to date, and she just happened to choose you, Niall" Louis said with a forgiving look on his face.

As they we're talking I decided to order some pizza from pizza hut ,offline. So I pulled out my phone to order when i realized everyone was string at me, again! "What know?" I said looking at them,"I'm trying to order dinner for us."

"Harry doesn't believe that we are dating and I need you to confirm that we are, darling." Niall said in a loving voice

So I got up and walk over to where her was sitting, at this point my arm was hurting, I was hungry , so I didn't care if I kiss Niall in front of four other guys. When I got over to him , I didn't hesitate, I straddle his lap, kinda like you would sit on a horses saddle. I felt everyone else watching me as I got on top of Niall's lap. I set my phone down beside us and toke off my sling, so I could move my arm, which was still rapped in bandages. I place my arms around his neck and looked into his eye for a second and then I nodded my head and Niall did the same back. Next thing I know my lip meet his and we stayed in that position for a while until I heard giggling for behind me. I pull back from the kiss. Turning around and siting down on Niall's lap I see all four boy with a different shocked look on there face. Liam is just frozen, louis is trying to hold in his laughter, zyan's mouth looks like it just dropped wide open, and harry well let's just say he was a little upset about me not being so single anymore. I turn to look at Niall who just looks like he had experienced the most amazing thing."Are you guys ok? " I asked look around the room at them.

" What just happened ?!?" Niall said with the same look on his face

"You just made out with the girl of my dreams right in front of me that's what happened!"Harry said like he was about to cry

"Hey Niall," I whispered," I am going to go talk to him so maybe he will feel better ,ok babe?" I said

" Ok that's fine, if it well make my lad happy again, then do what you have to do, babe, love you."he whispered back

" love you too," I replied as I got up to go sit with harry for a little bit as the guys finish ordering the pizza." I am the girl of you dreams?" I asked

" Yeah, but your with him and I don't get the girl in my dreams." he said cuddling with a pillow

"Harry I am really sorry! I love all of you guys, and you are really sweet but I have a boyfriend now. I am sorry " I paused gave him a peek on the cheek.

"it's OK , I am the one who should be apologizing for asking like a five year old. I am sorry!" he said

"I accept your apologie," I replied and then there was a knock on the door.

"Pizzas here!" I heard Zyan yell from the front door

"Here." liam said giving me money to pay for the pizza, as I got up to answer the door. I gave him a quick peek on the cheek and a thank you, as I ran to the door. WhenI opened the door and saw his fas it hit me, the pizza guy was my ex from college

After paying and him giving me the pizza, when I was just about to shut the door he stop it with his hand,"So babe you free tomorrow night?" He asked

"No actually I am not," I motioned Niall over," And I have a boyfriend! "I said looking back a Niall with a smile.

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