Christmas eve

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Niall's pov:

I woke up to the sound of Sadies truck starting, I jumped off the couch and went and looked out the window of the kitchen. When I got to the window I saw the truck drive out of the driveway. Today was the day I was going to tell Sadie that I really didn't feel the same way about her, I don't know what it is, but for some reason I'm just not in love anymore. Sadie on the other hand, is in love with me. I don't know how I'm going to break it to her. But last night I had a long conversation with Loui, about how I wasn't feeling the same forced, but Louis was madly in love with her. I told him not to tell her about the conversation, but I knew he would anyway, and I was hoping he would tell her. I basically told him he could go out with her and try to help me break up with her. You know I wouldn't even call it a breakup, it's more like the end of a new beginning Because with what he told me she didn't feel the same towards me now, neither one of us was in love we were basically just friends. So we were just finishing something that was never there.

I went back to the bedroom to see if Sadie was there so I could talk to her, but when I got to the bedroom I saw the bed was made and there was nobody there, and Louis wasn't on the couch where he had fallen asleep last night. I went to Zyans, Harrys, and then Liam's room and they were all still asleep in bed. I checked the kitchen and the bathroom, but there was no one in there either. I guess Sadie and Louis went out to fetch breakfast. I wonder if Louis would talk to her while they're out.

"Have you gotten packed yet, we leave around 5:00." my thoughts were interrupted by Liam walking into the kitchen.

"Yeah, that's right, I almost forgot, I wonder if Simon is going to let Sadie come with us." I answered, pouring me a cup of milk

He nodded and head back to his room with a box of cereal. I wonder when I will get back, I thought heading back to Sadie and I's room, to get packed.

Sadies pov:

Me and Louis left McDonalds with our breakfast, and headed back home. On the way back we decided to stop by my barn and pick up my tree. I had thought long and hard about how to decorate for Christmas, & I had waited so long that it was the day before Christmas when I finally decided how to decorate my tree. My tree was already orange because orange is my fav color and that's how I bought it last Christmas, all I need is my UT ornaments, which were in my attic Tennessee is my favorite football team, go vols, and they did really well this season, so I decided to go all out orange and white. But there's one little problem we are leaving at 5:00 for the airport, it's only 11:00am but by the time you add up breakfast, taking showers and getting dressed, getting packed and all that other jazz you only have like an hour and a half to decorate the tree before we have to leave to head to the airport. It was going to be hectic, but I can get it all done. The boys still didn't know that I was going with them on the trip. Let alone did Niall that our, I guess you call a relationship, was over. But it wasn't like a bad breakup, or sad break up story that you could write about and make millions off of, it was more like I loved you and now I don't. It was as simple, and clean.

We arrived back home with the food and the tree. I set the food down in the kitchen to help Louis carry the tree into the living room, but he kept saying 'I got it' so I let him do it his self. I went to the hallway and pulled down the stairs the attic, and when I got to the top of them I saw just the box I was looking for, and my old teddy bear. I throw the dear in the box and look around to see what else I could find in my attic full of treasure. I found lots of different things, from a box of old receipts to my old yearbooks. After a few minutes I headed back down the stairs carrying the box of UT stuff. I felt someones hands grab on to my sides helping me down I I wouldn't fall, I knew it was Louis by the laugh, I received when I said "I got it, I got it." Mocking him.

We meet all the others in the living room, they had already sat up the tree. We put the ornaments on while listening to jingle bell rock. We finished faster than I thought, and I had enough time to get everything that needed to be done, done.

I went back to my room to get packed for my trip across the pond, haha I love saying that "across the pond". When I got finished, I snuck outside and put my bag in the back of the truck. I met Liam, harry and zyan at the door, "Where do you want us to put these?" Harry asked nodding towards their bags.

"Just throw them in the back, what time do yall want to leave?" I said

"Well we have to be there at 5 and it is almost 4 so any minute."

"Okey, then lets start loading up." I said

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