To Fast, lad

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Niall's POV :

Sadie had fallen asleep on my lap. It was a little past midnight, and let me say she was gorgeous even when she was asleep. The rest of the lads went to bed a little of an hour ago. Since then I've been watching TV , but most of the time my TV was Sadie.

She had a small smile on her face, could she be dreaming? Who is she dreaming about? I hope I am the one in her dream making her smile. I am a little worried though, the boys told me ,while she was saying goodbye to her friends, that I need to be a little more careful, and to slow down I was moving to fast.


"Niall we need to talk quickly, before sadie comes back." Harry said with a serious look spread across his face.

"What is it about sadie, look guys I know what your going to say, I am going to fast and need to slow down you say it all the time, but this time I am in love." I paused looking down at my hands," look lads I am falling in love with sadie and I know for a fact she feels the same way."

Louis let out a deep breath and opened his mouth to respond to my speech but liam interrupted him, " We know you in love Nialler just by the way you acked around her and how you can't stop talking about her when she's not around, and you are doing fine but you are still moving a little to fast. I mean snogging is okay but full on snogging is just a little to much." liam said

"Ok, guys I will try to slow down." I say laughing a little.

We were interrupted by Sadie coming back and siting down on my lap. eventually falling asleep.

End of flashback

(still Niall's POV )

I turned the TV off and try getting up to go lay down , but it is no use she is hanging on to me for dear life. Man! I'm going to have to wake here up or I could carry her in the room. But who will put her pajamas on her. "Your still moving to fast, slow down a little" I could hear the boys saying to me.

"Hey, love, I need you to wake up so we can go lay down, " I say shaking her a little but she doesn't wake up,"Babe, please wake up." I say still shaking her

I try getting up again but I am stopped by Sadie, "Nialler where are you going?" she asked

"let's go to bed, yeah" I said picking her up and carrying her bridal style to the bedroom.

I laid her down on the bed and scooted in next to her, pulling the covers up. She snuggled up to me and rested her head on my bear chest.

"I love you" I whispered to her knowing she was already back to sleep.

NEXT DAY******

Sadie's POV :

I woke up to the smell of bacon cooking. I set up in the bed and turned around to see a smirking Niall starting at me.

"Good morning gorgeous, how did you sleep?" he said

"Good morning to you too Nialler, I sleep great actually. Who's cooking?" I asked

" I don't know, probably Haz. I didn't want to get up till you did ,because I didn't want to wake you. You are really beautiful when you sleep." he said making me smile

I laid back on to his chest connecting our lips for a quick kiss. "I love you Nialler!" I said giving him another kiss

"I love you more, know let's go raid the kitchen." he said making me laugh

"Let's go!" I say jumping out of the bed and Niall did the same.

We tiptoed down the hallway, and peeked around the corner seeing Haz in the kitchen cooking breakfast. We slowly glided to the kitchen , using our socks against the hard wood floor to our advantage. I saw the plate of bacon on the counter and just I reached out to grab it Haz turned around and shaped my hand, which for some reason made Niall fall into a fit of laughter.

" Nothing gets past Haz!" he said still laughing and holding his stomach.

"That's right," Harry agreed," I have eyes in the back of my head. Know go get dressed breakfast will be ready in ten." he said shewing us away.

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