stuck in mud

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When I got back to the bedroom I was still in, should I tell Niall what happened or just forget it. I don't know what to do.

"Hey babe, what took you so long?" Niall asked

Oh no what am I going to say, "The charger got hung around the wheel on my trundle bed." I said looking looking the other way.

"Ok, So I was thinking we could talk about what happened early with louis." he said scratching the back of his neck.

"Yeah what about, he was just starting at me. I didn't see anything wrong with it." I said laying down and pulling up the covers.

"No, you don't get it. He was having some kind of dream about you and I don't want to know what it was about. It was probably some kind of wet dream!" he said as his voice got more angry.

I look at him for a second taking in what he had said, "Ok, Ok. you need to calm down babe," I said

"I am sorry, I just don't want to lose you. Especially to one of my lads." he paused, "Will you forgive me?"

I laid there starting into his gorgeous eyes. Then he pulled me closer and are lips connected, we kiss for what felt like hours. Then I pulled away, not wanting things to get to heated, when I felt a bulge hit my thigh. All I could do was smile, "Sorry," Niall said, " It's a good thing we stopped, could have turned into something else so fast."

I just laughed and looked at him," Well let's call it a night, tomorrow is going to be fun." I say

"Ok?" he questioned

"Yeah, I will explain in the morning. Love you." I said

"Ok, love you too." he replied as he slide his arms around me and we fell asleep.


(Next Morning)

Niall's POV:

I woke up to the Sound of an alarm going off, which was Sadie's phone. I reached over to turn it off, when I noticed she was gone. The bed was still warm where she had been laying. So I got up and went to the kitchen to see if I could find something to eat.

"Good morning, how did you sleep?" she asked me

"I slept great, and would still be sleeping if I wasn't woke up by me singing." I said jokingly while steeling a quick kiss

"I'm sorry, I thought I turned it off." she said fixing a bowl of cereal

"It's ok. O, I might warn you the rest of the boys my sleep all day, especially zyan."

"Well I'm glad you told me. I will go wake them up." she said walking away

Sadie's POV:

I am still confused about what happened last night between me and Louis, but I have to get it out of my head for today, because we have a big day ahead of us.

As I walked into the room where louis and liam where sleeping, I couldn't decide on how to wake the up. Either to there own music or shake them till they wake up, so I guess why not do both.

I turned on 'Best Song Ever' and started to shake louis. He was still out cold, so I went to liam.

"liam, louis!" I said quite loudly and liam started to move around, "Hey buds, it's time to get up. We have things to do today" I continued

Liam set up and looked at me for a second, "What are we doing ?" he asked rubbing his eyes

"I don't know "I answered ,  He shook his head and got up.

As he walked out the door, I look over toward louis. Who was awake, and staring at me. "Do you know how beautiful you are, love?" he questioned me

Not again i thought to myself. "Well I do recall, in a song called 'What makes you beautiful', it tells me that I am quite gorgeous," I said smiling, which made us both laugh

"That's is true, that is ture." he said getting out of bed

As we walk into the kitchen, I see that Niall had gotten Harry and Zyan up and ready to go. "We are waiting on you lou, come eat breakfast." liam said as he finished his cereal.

"Ok, I will be ready in a second." he said walking to the bathroom

When we all got ready, and had eaten. We hoped in my truck for a ride out in the country "I never thought I'd see a girl like you drive such a big truck." zyan said nervously

"Well I never thought I'd be sharing a house or dating one of the guys from the biggest boy band in the world, but hey do you not thank I can drive it?" I questioned, her king the wheel  back and forth

"No that's not what I meant. Please don't werk"  he said

"So tell us, where do you like living on such a big fram?" Harry said

"Well I live out in the middle of nowhere, but it is awsome." I paused, " I live on almost five acres which is half cow pasture, half woods. It has a horse barn, a storage barn and my house on it, plus the animals.Yeah I do its my get away and my home I love it here" I answered

"Well how did you get all that?" Louis said

"It's quite a long story, do you want to hear it?" I asked and everyone said yes so I continued, "Well I wasn't moving back in with my mom when I got out of college, so since my college was basically free cause  of all the grants and things I got, I saved my money up all throw collage.  So I started looking for a place and this was on my list but it was way to much, then one night on the way back to the campus I decided to by a lottery scratch off thing. And when I got home that night I took it out of my bag and scratched it off. It was a winner, I had bought a scratch off ticket that was know worth almost one million dollars. So the next morning  I skipped English and went to cash it in. I got the money and bought my house, my turck, two atvs, and everything I would need to live on a farm by myself.The end " I explained, as we turn down a dirt road

"That's amazing, I can never win those  things" liam said

"Hey want to do something awsome?!" I asked they all said yeah in unison

"Alright" I said. I drove the truck in to a wet field. When I got to the middle I stopped  put it In reverse and slammed on the Gass making us do donuts. Mud went everywhere , I put it back in drive and went the other way till we where stuck. "We are stuck!"Niall  yelled freaking out 

"Nah, watch this if I just straighten up my wheels and slowly give it Gas we will be out

"And like that we were headed home.

I went to unlock the door, and Louis was right behind me. Ever since last night he has not left my side, and it beginning to freak me out. When we all got in, I showed them around the rest of my house, and I was kinda surprised harry didn't say anything, because I decorated my house like Taylor Swifts, we'll mostly the kitchen. Even though I never really liked her music, her house is gorgeous.

"Well ,Any questions?" I asked while throwing my bag into my room. They all shook there heads and we decided to meet in the living room in about thirty minutes.

As I walked into my room, I heard someone shut the door, then slide there arms around me. "Guess who?" they said talking in a American accent

"Niall." I guessed and he spun me around and pulled us close together.

"Can I have a kiss?" he asked, I nodded and pressed my lips against his.


Well how did you like it? And if you have any questions comment them and I will try my best to answer them. :)

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