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We all finished eating and it was being to get dark, we were all on the verge of falling asleep. I cant explain how grate that day was, it was just a very good day, and we all seemed to have had fun all day long.

" We should head inside it is getting colder." Liam suggested, interrupting my thoughts.

''NO,'' Niall screamed, causing me to jump," I'm sorry, but stay here. I will be right back.'' With that he got up and ran inside, and a few minutes later he came out with my guitar.

As he made his way closer to the glow of the fire where we could see him better, he began to play a song and we all got quite. We had never heard this song before, well at least I hadn't and it was a pretty good song.


I think I'm gonna lose my mind

Something deep inside me, I can't give up,

I think I'm gonna lose my mind,
I roll and I roll 'til I'm out of luck, yeah,
I roll and I roll 'til I'm out of luck,

I'm feeling something deep inside,
Hotter than a jet stream burning up,
I got a feeling deep inside,
It's taking, it's taking all I got, yeah,
It's taking, it's taking all I got.

'Cause nobody knows you, baby, the way I do,
And nobody loves you, baby, the way I do,
It's been so long, it's been so long, maybe you are fireproof,
'Cause nobody saves me, baby, the way you do.

I think I'm gonna win this time,

Riding on the wind and I won't give up,

I think I'm gonna win this time,

I roll and I roll, 'til I change my luck, yeah,

I roll and I roll, 'til I change my luck,

'Cause nobody knows you, baby, the way I do,

And nobody loves you, baby, the way I do,

It's been so long, it's been so long, you must be fireproof,

'Cause nobody saves me, baby, the way you do,

'Cause nobody knows you, baby, the way I do,

And nobody loves you, baby, the way I do,

It's been so long, it's been so long, maybe you were fireproof,

'Cause nobody saves me, baby, the way you do.

~End of song~

As finished the song, the boys began aplauding and i ran to hime giving him a big hug and a quick kiss, before telling him how much i loved him and the song. '' Lad thats it!" louis said, ''thats the song for the aublum, thats the song for Four."

" Yeah, Naill what is the name of it?" Zyan asked, we all turned to Niall

"I not for sure. Love, what do you want to call it?" Niall asked me , and I stud there for a moment while everyone was staering at me.

" Well,.....What about Fireproof?" I said still unsure of what to call it.

Niall gland around at the boys getting there aporvel, they all nodded. "That sounds like a perfect match!" Niall said smiling, and pulling me into a quick kiss.

"Can we go inside now, it's getting cooler by yhe second?!" Liam asked

"Yeah" Niall said, "let's go"

Everyone grabbed the something to bring back in, and headed back to the cabin. We got every thing put up and cleaned up, and began getting ready for bed. We were all cuddled in the living room waiting for someone to start a conversation. We had been setting there for about 5-10 minutes , even though it felt like an eternity. "Well we had a great time today." Harry spoke up and we all nodded in agreement

"Okey, we are going to set her in complete silence, I am going to bed. Goodnight, sweet dreams and don't let the bed bugs bite." I said smiling, every one told me good night and I left the room.

As soon as I turned the corner, to go down the hall way to my bedroom, they all started talking. I stopped were I was and leaned aginset the wall to listen in on the conversation.

"So what did you do at the creek after we all left?" Louis asked Niall

"We jumped off the cliff a couple of times the me swam and came back when we were being to get hungry." Niall replied

"So you toke our advice and your not rushing things, right?" Liam asked

"No... I mean yes I toke your advice and I am not rushing her. Lads I love sadie and she loves me!" Niall said beginning to sound agerivated with the boys

It got silent and the my phone began to ring. I felt for it in my pockets and it wasn't the, I left it in the living room. I quickly walked in to the living room and grabbed my phone off the coffee table and answered it.

"Hello?" I said noticing everyone was staring at me.

"Sadie, I broke up with him." Angel said

"Why, what happened? What's going on? Did he hurt you? Are you okay? Do you need help? Where are you?..." i loaded her down with questions

"Wow sadie, hold up." She said, "I am okay and at home, I don't need help. He got mad at me because I was talking to the guy at the market. Well that's were it started at least, it really along story."

"Continue, we'll wait I will be over in 5, okay, buy" I said hanging up and grabbing my keys.

I ran out the door and got in my truck. Before backing up everyone was outside staring at me. I rolled down my window,"Angel broke up with Alex, I have to go over to her house." I said and everyone ran for the truck and got in.

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