Doncaster Christmas part¹

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Sadies POV:

As the other boys got situated in the truck, I went in to find out what was taking Louis and Niall so long, if they didn't hurry they could make us miss the flight. But I guess you can't miss a flight if you own the jet, right?

I walked inside and saw them sitting on the couch with two small bags, "Hey, guys, what's going on we have to go." I said

"We need to talk." Niall said, so I went and sit on the arm of the love seat next to him. "Sadie I love you I really do, but more like a sister not a girlfriend or even more than that. I want us just to be friends, can we just be friends Sadie?"

"Niall, friends is all I want to be too. I have tried thinking of a way to tell you that, but I didn't want to hurt you I thought you were in love with me. But I see you and Louis have talked about things." I said

"Yeah, umm this my be too soon and/or a little awkward since you basically just broke up with him, but will you go out with me." Louis said with the biggest grin on his face

"I gave him my permission, that it would be ok to ask." Niall said, picking up his bag and heading to the truck, but I grabbed his wrist to stop him

"Niall wait, I want you to be happy to, take this number and call it tonight, ok. And when we get back you can go out with her or something "I told him, while handing him a slip of paper with my friend crystals name and number on it. He walked out of the house with a smile on his face. "And yes, Mr. Tomlinson I would be honored to be your girlfriend." I said in a silly tone casing Louis to laugh

He wrapped his arms around me and lock our lips, but after a while we were interrupted by someone honking a horn. We both laughed. Louis grabbed his bag and we load up in the truck.

We arrived at the airport, it was lightly snowing as we pulled into an empty parking space. They grabbed their bags and we headed inside. Sam had texted me the plans of how we were going to pull off this surprise:
"The flight attendant knows about this little surprise we have got going on, and so dose the pilot. They are going to load the boys then delay the flight for a few minutes giving you time to grab your bag from your truck and get back to the terminal so the attendant can help you hide. After you all take off, she will lead you to where the boys are and they shouldn't ever see it coming."

All the boys gave me hugs and kisses, they told me their goodbyes which made me almost cry. As they all started to walk away, Liam turned around and yelled " group hug!" they all ran toward me almost knocking me down. I smile, even though they almost suffocated me. "Okey,.... Guys, I can't breathe." I said laughing and trying to catch my breath at the same time. They all laughed and let go, and they all apologized but I told them it was fine.

They walked down the terminal, to board their jet, and as soon as they were out of sight I ran back to my truck, grabbed my bag and lock everything down, so no one can get into my truck. I quickly walked back to the terminal where I saw the flight attendant waiting for me. She waved at me to hurry so I did. "Hi, my name is Kate, I am the boys flight attendant, and we have to hurry and get you hide so we can pull this surprise off." She said

We ran down the terminal, and she made sure the boys weren't watching me get on. She took my bag and hid it with her things, then she told me to get under her cart she had to place food on. When she got me hid, she called the pilot and confirmed that the bags were loaded and we were ready for take off. I felt the plane take off and I could hear the jets start up. "Ok," Kate said helping me out from under the cart, "You can take them their food."

I nodded and helped her load the food onto the cart, "you need my help?" she asked

"No, I got it." I said

I walked out of the kitchen, and into being the boys were, "Order up!" I yelled and they all looked up from their phones and smiled. Their eyes got really wide when they realized it was me, but Louis didn't turn around, he had his beats on, probably listening to music or watching a movie on Netflix. "Shhh," I said to the boys, I was going to scare him, when my phone went off with one new text message

From Louis: "I love you, can I tell you a secret?"

To Louis: "I love you too, of course you can."

From Louis: "I miss you already :(

To Louis: "Awh, can I tell you a secret?"

From Louis: "Yaeh, What is it babe."

To Louis: "Turn around."

From Louis:"?"

I sit behind him in an empty chair, and when he turned around his eyes grow large, and he literally dove over the sests to hug me. "How did you get here?" He asked

"You really didn't think I was going to spend Christmas by myself, did you?" He laughed and gave me a kiss. Kate brought us dinner, and we ate everything. After that well all decided to watch Frozen, which made me fell a sleep in louis arms.

Louis's POV:

We had landed in Doncaster and it was time for me to say goodbye to the boys, and see what Sadie wanted to do. "We are going to miss you lou," Harry said, acting like he was crying.

"I will see you next year, its not that long." I said laughing , "Sadie, love, wake up if you comeing with me." I shook her a couple of times

"What time is it, and where are we?" She ask standing up and grabbing her things

"Its almost 12 in the morning, and we are in Doncaster, where I am getting off, are you come." I asked

She nodded and told the boys she loved them and would see them next year. We got our bags and entered the airport, I looked for my mom.

To be continued......

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