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Harrys POV:

It was time for me to get out and shot the blanks, Sadie had loaded the gun with. I walk towards them, and saw Sadie laying on the footing. What's been going on? I turned around, hearing the sound of crunching leaves and snapping twigs, It was dark, but I could make out the shape of what seemed to be a person running. I stepped out from behind the bushes, " What happened?!" I called to them

They all looked up, " Someone just shot at us," Liam responded, I twisted around and ran the direction the armed stranger was running, "Sadie was hit" Liam yelled, and I was determined to catch that gunman, he is going to pay.

Sadie POV:

"Stop him, Don't let him leave after that man, Please someone!" I shouted at the four boys, who just stared at me.

Harry had just went running after the man, and I was lying here in pain and yell for someone to stop him. But they all just stared at me, " I'm phoning the police." Zayn spoke up

Niall hasn't said a word, Liam and Louis keep asking if I am okay and If I need anything. And I held back saying I was fine and that someone needed to go after harry, but they would just glance in the direction of which harry took off after the man. It was About 15 minutes later, I heard sirens and watched the lights of the emergency vehicles coming towards us. The police was speaking to the boys while the EMTs was leading me on to the gerny. "Did you get hit anywhere else, miss?" one of the EMTs asked me

"No, just my leg. Will you tell one of the officers that my friend went after the gunman." I said, and he nodded

While the nice EMT, whose name was Brady, went over to tell the officer the other EMT toke over. She wrapped up my leg, and started an IV, "How bad does it hurt?" she inquired

"Not that bad anymore, but if I move it hurts like hell." I pronounced

"Well, I'll go grab some mess for you and then when Brady comes back well load you up and go." she, Madison, said, I nodded in reply

Brady came back and then they loaded me up, He never told me what the officer said about what I had enjoined him. Louis got in the backrest of the ambulance to ride with me and before they shut the door an officer came out of the wood with harry and Brandon? Brandon was my ex-boyfriend from 9th grade, the pizza guy, he kissed one of my best friends and I saw him one night when he was supposed to be at work, so I ended it and he has been some obsessive creep ever since. "Hey, that's that pizza guy that wouldn't leave when we were at your parents house." Louis said, I was overly focused on harry and Brandon, my mouth wide open I surprise, I nodded in response

"Do you recognize that man?" Another officer asked, coming over to the ambulance

"Yeah, he's my Ex and he is like my stalker. He was jealous because I am going out with Niall and he was proceeding to kill him. Hell! He tried to shoot down all of us." I said, the officer said okay and shut the doors to the ambulance.

When we started to move, I looked over to Louis, " Did Niall not want to come with me?" I inquired

"I don't know, he was still in shock when I told him I was going to ride with you. He looked terrified, but we're okay now that they have the man and you're safe. I am glad no one was killed, I mean he came near to hitting Niall and me, that's absolutely terrifying when you think about it." Louis said, " I love you."

It was silent the remainder of the way to the hospital and awkward. That's not the first time he told me he loved me, but what doesn't he get about I have a boyfriend, who only happens to be one of his best friends.

When we went to the hospital, they brought me into a room and told me the doctor would be in shortly. Louis was sitting next to the bed, he hasn't  said anything since what happened in the  ambulance. I truly don't know what to say here, I mean, yes, I love  him, but not the way he wants me to love him. I am in love with Niall, well, I was......

"Ms. Davis,"  The doctor stated, entering the  room, "I am Dr. Hootinhower, how are you feeling?"

"Well, I actually feel pretty good, I just want to fix my leg fixed and go home." I replied

"All right, we'll get you numbed up and get the bullet out and you will be  good to go." Dr. Hootinhower said with a laugh

He departed the room and I looked over to Louis, he was just staring at me. "Are you okay?" I inquired

He remained quiet  for a minute, "Yeah, I am just in love with someone who doesn't  love me, and it's breaking my heart." He looked like he was about to cry

He was breaking my heart sitting here telling me he's in love with me and it's breaking  his spirit. God, please help me. "I am sorry." I said beginning to cry

About then Dr. Hootinhower  came back in with a nurse  and started working on my leg. At first it hurt but the numbing medicine began to kick in and I couldn't  sense a thing. When he ceased, he got cleaned up and then placed me in a wheelchair. He signed a release form and Louis rolled me outside. He phoned for a cab; we waited in silence. When the taxi arrived, Louis and the nice cab driver loaded me in the back set and toke the wheelchair back inside. Louos gave him my address and we headed home.

We arrived to my house, not the cabin we were going to stay in, to three police cars and all the lights on Louis paid the drive and carried me to the door. I opened  the door for us, and saw a house full of police officers, they all turned to us as we walked in. Niall ran up to me, "love, are you okay?" He asked

"Yeah, I am just teird. Louis can you take me to my bed?" I asked

Louis nodded and carried me to my room, and layed me on my bed. For a second  I thought he was going to kiss me, please  not agian. But he simply told me good night and left me alone. After about 5 minutes  I began to doze off.

One awesome recoveryحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن