Chapter 20: Like I'm Good Enough

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QOC: What's the craziest thing you've ever done? (I've gone cliff diving.)

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Sam's POV
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You would think that living on the streets would leave you vulnerable to sickness all the time, and it does, I guess. But my immune system has worked very hard for me so far, and I am forever grateful for it. So the only thing I get are the basics: fatigue, sore spots, etc. Just small things like that.

And I get headaches when it comes to annoying people. Or people in general really. They don't have to be annoying. They can be themselves and bam—! Headache.

Right now would be one of those times where people just give me this huge headache. It would be classified as a migraine if my vision went out of whack and I needed to hide away in a dark, silent room for hours.

"I'm serious!" Cameron exclaims, hands sticking out in the air in front of him. Kassidy laughs and Kason leans on the back of his "log chair" with a lazy smirk on his face toward his best friend.

"I doubt it would ever happen," Kassidy assures playfully. "Dead people coming back to life isn't real. It's not like in the movies."

Cameron narrows his eyes at her. "That's what the first girl to die would say."

Kason rolls his eyes with that same smirk on his lips. "Dude, don't worry. If an apocalypse ever did happen, the scary green
grave-crawlers wouldn't come for you."

Cam crosses his arms. "And how would you know? What if I look too deliciously sexy for them to resist taking a bite?"

Kason snorts. "Zombies eat brains, so I think you're safe."

Cameron glares at his friend, and Kassidy giggles. I can't help but release a small laugh in amusement. It was pretty funny. But as soon as I do, Kason's eyes burn into my skin worse than the fire would if I jumped into it right now. I act like I don't see him staring, but even if I did look at him, it wouldn't be as torturous as what it feels like to be looked at by him. And I'm sure his eyes would be more ferocious and dangerous than the heat emitted from the fire itself if I looked into them.

The look he's giving me is so intense that I have to clear my throat and say something, anything to get his stare off of me. So of course, I have to be some sort of inner petty bitch that was just waiting to escape from the depths of my darkest corners.

"At least you have a heart, Cam. That's sometimes more important than a brain," I say, nodding towards him. Cameron smiles, along with Kassidy cluelessly, but Kason scoffs and shakes his head from the corner of my eye, getting the message.

"So Cam would get his happy ending if an apocalypse happened," Kassidy says in amusement, leaning against Cameron's chest. He chuckles and runs his fingers through her pretty hair, staring at it in admiration.

I almost gag at their adoration for one another, but decide against it since Kason is currently throwing knives through my skull with his eyeballs.

"I think happy endings are overrated," I say, arms crossed. "They're unrealistic, and give way too many high hopes and expectations."

Cameron frowns at me and raises an eyebrow at my harsh tone. I look away and bite on the inside of my cheek. Sometimes I have outbursts like that. I can't help it. People talk about having this great ending to their lives and futures, and I have had zero happiness in my own, apart from Emily. That and traveling, I guess. I do a lot of that on the streets, which I enjoy. I'm just jealous of everyone else getting their happy endings, while I rot away for no reason.

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