I Think He Learned His Lesson

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Alex's POV:

In English class, John Sat next to me and watched me as a added to the story that I was writing. It was weird having someone watch me as I write, but something is different when it comes to John. Even though the story is LITERALLY ABOUT HIM and I should be nervous about him watching, there was something different about John. I didn't get that nervous feeling as we watched; I trusted him.

John put his hand on my right shoulder and rubbed it slowly. I loosened my fingers against the keyboard of my laptop and melted into the feeling, loving how soothing it was. I smiled softly and looked at him. He smiled back.

"You seemed really tense and so I hoped this would help calm you down," John stated. I had to admit, I was pretty tense, especially due to all the stress from both school and my bullies.  Like I said before, John is the only thing keeping me from staying home and crying 24/7. John continued to rub my shoulder, (and occasionally my thigh), as I continued to write my story, paying attention to what was going on in the present and in future time to add them in.

~Time skippity do da day~

At the end of the day, we were heading to John's bike to get some Lunch, when suddenly Thomas and James stopped us in our path. I immediately froze and hid behind John's figure.

"Aww is the little faggot afraid of a little slap?" I heard Thomas say. It's not a new nickname, no, but it is a strong one that always makes me tear up. I try to be strong, but it's hard. Faggot, Bastard, whoreson, Loner,  they're all names I've been called for years now; my entire life, actually. Faggot became something when I came out as Bi in Middle School. Apparently no one there was a supporter of LGBT and I was (and still am) bullied both physically and verbally. I guess there are some things that will never change...

I feel a hot tear run down my face as I get lost in my thoughts. I hear the voice that caused this mess speak again.

"Aww I'm sowwy, did I make you cwy?" He says in a mocking tone.  Both Thomas and James laugh maniacally at the statement and John squeezes my hand, signalling me to follow him to get away.

I furrow my brows and clench my fists. I pull away from John's grip and swing at Thomas in one fluid motion. I hit him square in his face, drawing blood from both his nose and mouth. He falls into the short field grass, almost unconscious. John and James stand in shock. I turn around to see John rubbing his temples with one hand and and resting his other hand on his hip,  chuckling in disbelief. I walked over to John and put my hand on his shoulder.

"Okay, NOW we can leave," I say, smirking as I look over to a confused Thomas holding his jaw. I look back at John and let out a small chuckle. "I think he learned his lesson... For now."

As we were walking towards the bike, I hear James yell out "YOU'VE LOST YOUR PLACE, JOHN!"

I wonder what he meant by that?

((My dog kept licking me as I was writing this, so sorry if it's sloppy. I also wrote this unplanned and so it's pretty short. I feel like it explains a lot, though✌))

I Know What You Did (Lams Smut/Fluff Story) (DISCONTINUED)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz