Chapter 13

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[ XIII ] Chapter 13

        I fidgeted in my room while I waited for Caius the next evening. My predatory instincts were twitching; aching for the sweet nectar that ran through the veins of living things. Tonight, I had decided to wear all black to conceal the blood and to blend in with the night. I would be lying to myself if I said that I wasn't excited.

        Bella and Edward are engaged. The sudden information interrupted my internal thoughts like freight train and I steadied myself with a hand on the wall. What. I fished my phone out of my pocket and quickly dialed Alice. The pixie picked up after the second ring. "Genevieve, what is it? Did something happen?"

        "Is it true?" I whispered, thinking of the many possibilities that could happen. For one, the mutts could go nuts with Jacob at the lead and two, Edward may hurt the human. I've seen with my own eyes what could happen, though, I don't dare to share the information with anyone.

        "What are you—"

        "Just answer the damn question, Alice. You know how I feel about this." I snarl, nearly crushing the phone. My thirst was long forgotten for now and I was intent on finding out why Edward would do something this stupid.

        Alice sighed through the phone. "It's true. They're engaged, Gen. Can't you be a bit more happier for their sake?"

        "For their sake?" I screeched, roughly rubbing my face before running a hand through my curled hair hanging loose down my back. "For their sake I hope they don't follow through with the wedding!" Ripping the phone from my ear, I clicked END CALL button and refrained from crushing the Blackberry to pieces.

        "Is everything alright, Miss Genevieve?" A smooth voice asked gently from behind me. I turned around to see Caius standing in the doorway, wearing a simple dress shirt and pants.

        I nodded stiffly, aware that he could hear everything from the other side of the castle. "Are we going now, Lord Caius?" 

        He smirked and held out a hand. For a moment, it seemed as if he were proposing a contract. Brushing the insane thought away, I took his hand and allowed him to lead me out of the castle and into the darkness.

        As we slowly made our way to the next city, I timidly asked a question, breaking the silence between us. "The main point of not hunting in Volterra is. . .?"

        Caius stopped his brisk pace on a hill overlooking the town which laid beneath us. "Volterra's population is too small. Jane or Alec could finish them in just a week if they wanted; it is the main reason why we attract tourists to us." He rumbled calmly in explanation as he turned to look at me. His burgundy-red eyes nearly glowed in the dark. 

        My mouth made an "o" shape as I processed the information. "Now, I'd like to see how well you hunt. I'll be watching you, even if you don't see me." Caius grinned, losing himself in the excitement.

        I stared at him as if he were a crazy, but when he raised a brow, I darted off for the city as quickly as my feet could carry me. Halfway, I started to think if this was a bad idea. Why? You can show Caius your moves, if you get what I'm sayin'. My subconscious purred. I rolled my eyes and carefully looked around for any young man alone. 

        The reason why I mainly prey on young men is because; one, they're easier to seduce, and two, their blood is far more energizing than any other types. I was walking calmly down the street when a sudden thought hit me. I stopped abruptly. Wait, I can't speak Italian. Dammit.

        Unconsciously, I started to twiddle my thumbs, thinking of a solution when a heavily-accented voice startled me. "Are you lost, miss?" The man queried behind me. By the tone, I could see that this man was in his late 20's. Turning around, I looked up. He had an olive complexion, black ruffled hair, and blue eyes that widened when he saw my eyes. All in all, he was pretty attractive for a mortal.  "Dio mio, are those contacts?"

        I nodded slowly, innocently. My mind slowly processed that this man was my prey. "I'm lost. It's my first time in Italy and I don't know where I am." I whispered, hugging my mid-section in false fear.

        "Well, maybe next time you're out, don't wear any cosplay things. You're gonna scare the people away." He grinned.

        Smiling timidly, I nod. All part of the plan, baby. My subconscious nodded in agreement. "So, where do you stay? Like, a hotel? You said you were visiting. Oh, by the way, my name is Emilio." He held out a hand and I shook it warily. "Ai signora! You're freezing!" He hissed, recoiling.

        Emilio took off his jacket and draped it over my shoulders. I dropped my head to give him the impression that I was blushing. "So, your hotel?" He asked kindly.

        "Borgo Santo Pietro." I murmured.

        "Whoa, your folks must be rich." He jested light-heartedly. I smiled and nodded again. All this smiling and nodding is making me woozy with disgust. He led me onto a dark street. "They really need to fix the lamps here. . ." Emilio scowled. On the edge of my peripheral vision, I saw a shadow move closer and I knew it was Caius.

        My thirst flared as I heard the gentle thump thump of his heart when we walked in silence. It took all of my willpower not to pounce on this man and rip his neck open to get a taste of his blood. I looked around to see if no one was around to witness my act before I tripped on purpose. "Signora, are you alright?" Emilio kneeled beside me and I suddenly wrapped my arms around his neck, startling him. His pulse beat faster and faster as I pressed myself closer to him.

        "I can't hold it." I whispered, covering his mouth with a hand before sinking my teeth over his jugular. Immediately, blood slid down my parched throat. The jacket slid off of my shoulders as Emilio grunted and tried to push me away. I held on tightly until the last drop of blood was gone from his body.

        Standing and dropping the corpse, I turned to see Caius looming over me with blackened eyes. "Was that enough of a show for you?" I murmured huskily, my eyes roaming over his strong neck.

        He leaned closer and I thought he was going to snarl at me but instead, he kissed the corner of my lips almost tentatively. His tongue darted out to lick away the excess blood on my lower lip. He moaned at the taste. "You chose a good one." He murmured appreciatively.

        I lowered my head and if I could, I would be blushing madly right now. No one has ever done that; wipe the blood off my lips with their tongueMy lord, Vieve. You've caught a good man. My subconscious grinned.

        "Now then," Caius straightened himself. "I need to hunt as well, will you accompany me?" He purred with a dangerous look in his eye.

        Nodding, I quietly followed him into the night.

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