Jeremy Jordan- Lemonade Gone Wrong

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It was a sunny summer day in New York City, and Y/N was selling lemonade. You were sitting outside of your apartment building, at a table with a sign that said 'Come Get Your Fresh Lemonade.' You had two pitchers full of strawberry and original lemonade. Many people have walked by.

"Hey get your fresh lemonade. It's very refreshing." You said, trying to get people to buy your tasty goodness.

No one was liking the idea of ice cold refreshing lemonade. It was starting to near the end of the day. You only made 10 dollars.
'Ugh I guess it was not worth waiting out here for five grueling hours, in the hot sun.' You said to yourself, getting annoyed.
You start packing up the table and the lemonade, until you see a guy come up to your stand.

"Hey can I buy a glass of your lemonade?" The man with the kind eyes asks.

"Of course you can buy a glass of my icy cold, refreshing lemonade. I'm so glad you asked. Which flavor would you like?"

"I'll have the strawberry please. I'm assuming you barely got any costumers?" The man asked.

"You've got that right." You say with a frown.

"Well hey, since you didn't have any luck, I'll give you an extra dollar." He said smiling.

"Oh no, you don't have to do that. Here's your lemonade by the way."

"He says it's fine, you deserve it anyway. Hey, thanks for the lemonade."

You're face turns a little pink.

"What's you're name by the way?"

"Oh uh-um Y/N." You said stuttering.

"It's nice to meet you Y/N, I'm Jeremy."

"Hi Jeremy it's nice to meet you too." You said trying not to stare awkwardly into his eyes.

"Well maybe I'll see you around town sometime." He says starting to walk away.

"Yeah maybe, I mean you know where I live."

'You know where I live' is that the worst thing you can say to a guy you just met. 'Sounds like a stalker.' You say to yourself.
He quickly turns around. You get nervous.

"Hey there is a bug in my lemonade." Jeremy said a little annoyed.

You start to slip yourself under the table.

"I'm so sorry. I'll pour you a fresh glass. I promise there is no bugs in the pitcher."

'Why Y/N, why would you give this really cute guy a glass of lemonade, that has a bug in it.' You say to yourself, agitated. 'Now you won't have any chances with him.'

"Hey you're very nice. I would like a new glass please. Don't worry about the bug, it's no big deal." Jeremy says with a smile.

You pour him a new glass, and hand it to him.

"He looks in to see if there is a bug. Nope, no bug." He says laughing.

"That's good." You laugh along with him.

"I think you're very down to earth. I'm glad I ran into this lemonade stand. Here's my number, I hope you'll use it."

"Thank you. I'm sure I'll put it to good use." You said blushing.

He walks away, and you just stare at him walking down the street.
'Maybe he's not busy tomorrow.' You thought to yourself.
You take down the stand, and trudge it up to your apartment.

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Hello my name is Abby.

I hope you will enjoy reading these imagines.

I am a big fan of Broadway, and Jeremy Jordan.

Anyways, feel free to comment and vote!

Thank you. Have a nice day.

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