Jeremy Jordan- The Flower Shop Suprise

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It's a bright, sunny day in New York City, not a cloud in the sky. Tomorrow is Easter, and I need to go to a flower shop to get flowers for the centerpiece of the table. I head out the door of my apartment, wearing a navy blue dress with yellow sunflowers on it, and wedge sandals. I walk down to a flower shop that is a few blocks from my apartment. My hair is blowing in the light wind that is in the air. When I reach the flower shop, I open the door and walk in. Someone greets me at the door, and tells me sales on specific items. I kindly thank them, and walk to the huge, colorful flower section. I look at different types of flowers, from african daisys to zinnia elegans. I also decide on what color flowers I want. I make up my mind, and decide that I will make my own bouquet of flowers. I grab daisys, tulips, black-eyed susans, small sunflowers, and roses, all of which are various different colors. As I was grabbing the pink roses, another hand was reaching for them as well. I accidentally grabbed the person's hand.

"Oh my I'm so sorry I didn't mean to grab your hand. I didn't see you there."

I start to look at the person, as I say this.

"No worries miss. I didn't see your hand there either."

As the man says this, all I can think is "wow he is so cute."

We smile at each other, and then I introduce myself.

I shake his hand and say, "Hi, I'm y/n."

"It's nice to meet you y/n. I'm Jeremy."

"Well, it's very nice to meet you Jeremy."

There was an awkward silence. Jeremy then proceeded to say, "Well, I like your flowers."

"Thank you. They are for Easter."

"Oh that's nice. Are they for a special someone?"

"Actually no. They are for my centerpiece of the table.

"That's cool."

"I guess it is.... Well, it is nice to meet you Jeremy."

"You don't have to go."

I smile a little. "Jeremy, I have to go pay for these flowers, and then meet my friend for lunch."
"Ok, but can I at least get your number?"

"Sure. But quickly."

Jeremy takes his phone out of his back pocket of his jeans, and types in the number.

"All right y/n, maybe I'll call you soon."

"Ok." I blush deeply, as I go pay for the flowers.

After I pay, I walk out the door, and skip all the way down the sidewalk, to go meet my friend for lunch.

When I walk into the restaurant, I see my friend sitting at a table by the window. I then walk to the table, and sit down across from her.

"Hey y/n. Why do you look so happy?"

I smile, and blush as I begin to tell her.

"Well, I was at a flower store getting these flowers, (picks up the flowers to show her) and as I was picking up the roses, I accidentally grabbed someone's hand. They were picking up the roses at the same time as me."

"So don't tell me that he was cute, and you couldn't help but give him your number."

"Well yes that's sort of what happened."

"Well then tell me everything."

"Ok,ok, fine. So first I apologized, then, I introduced myself, and he introduced himself, and well there was an awkward silence, then we talked about the flowers, then I told him I had to go, he told me to stay, then oh then he asked for my number." I was blushing so hard, that I turned red as a tomato.

"Sounds like you're in love y/n."

"Oh maybe." I say smiling.

Our conversation was interrupted because the waitress came to take our orders.

Now that she took our orders, we are able to finish our conversation.

"So do you think he's going to call, y/n."

"I hope he will."

The food now comes. We eat, and talk a little bit about what we are doing for Easter.

After we finishing eating, we pay the bill, and I say goodbye to my friend. I then walk back to my apartment. As soon as I walk in and sit down on my bed, I get a text from Jeremy. The text says, "Hey it's Jeremy, the person you met at the flower shop today. Can I call you?"

I text him back, happy that he actually is willing to talk to me again. "Sure, you can call me right now."

Jeremy sees the text, and calls me. I pick up the phone, and he says "Hello." I say "Hello, how are you?" "I'm good. I'm calling to ask you if you want to go on a date with me?" "I'd love to Jeremy. When were you thinking?" "Awesome! How about the day after Easter?" "Sure! That sounds awesome. I can't wait." "Me too y/n." "See you soon." "See you soon y/n." Jeremy hangs up the phone.

I can't help but smile. Who knew I'd be going on a date with the guy I met at a flower shop.

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