Jeremy Jordan- First Kiss

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Topic suggested by Oooofx2 Thank you for this suggestion!

Your P.O.V
Today is my best friend Laura's wedding. I have the most perfect dress picked out. It's a red dress, with flowers embroidered on the top of it. The dress is very elegant. I also have a pair of black heels, that match perfectly. I will curl my shiny, long hair, and put on mascara and red lipstick.

My boyfriend Jeremy is also invited to the wedding. Jeremy and I are going together. We've been dating for a little more than a year. He's such a sweet guy, but we still haven't had our first kiss. I know that sounds weird, right?

"Well maybe one day......" I think to myself.

Jeremy's P.O.V
I'm going with my girlfriend Y/N to her best friend Laura's wedding. I'm really excited. I'm going to wear a black suit with a red tie, to match Y/N's dress. I will also wear a pinstriped shirt, and black dress-shoes. I'll be meeting Y/N at her apartment around 11am.

3rd Person P.O.V
Jeremy checks himself in the mirror one last time, before he leaves to go to your apartment.

Time Skip
Jeremy arrives at your apartment. He knocks on the door hesitantly. He's looking at his feet nervously. The door opens, and you are smiling brightly.
"Hey babe." You say sweetly.
Jeremy looks up, and smiles.
"Hey Y/N." "Are you ready to go?"
"I am. Let me just get my clutch."
You both walk out of the apartment, and hail a cab.

Time Skip
We arrive at the church, for the wedding. We sit in the second row, next to some of Laura's other friends.
Soon after, Laura walks down the isle. She looks so pretty in her white, flower embroidered dress, and sparkly headpiece. She walks onto the altar, and stands in front of her husband to be. The Priest says his part, and the couple recite their vows. Then the groom kisses Laura.
The ceremony is now over, and it's the reception party. Everyone leaves the church, and heads over to a white building, where the reception is held.
Once you and Jeremy get into the building, you take your seats at the table marked with your names. You both are sitting together, with no one else sitting with you all.
The bride and groom walk in, and everyone stands up and claps.
Everyone then takes their seats again. The bride and groom have their first dance. Jeremy grabs my hand, that was laying on top of the table, and smiles at me. I can tell that he's very happy that he's with me.
The party goes on, and there has been a lot of dancing and eating happening. You and Jeremy have not been on the dance floor yet.
You get brave, and try to grab Jeremy's hand, and pull him to the dance floor. He refuses, so you smile a little, with a bit of a sad look.
You get up, and start dancing to one of your favorite songs, "Symphony" by Josh Groban.
Jeremy watches you, and smiles widely. There is so many things rushing through his brain, but he just focuses so intently on you. So intently, that he didn't even hear you yelling,
"Jeremy sweetheart, can you please come dance with me?"
Jeremy runs over, and starts dancing to the upbeat tempo of the songs, with you.
Soon after, a slow song plays. Jeremy just stares at you, and you just stare at him. Jeremy gets closer to you, and puts one hand on your waist, and one on your shoulder. You both dance to the slow song for a bit, but suddenly stop. Jeremy gets close to your face, and kisses you passionately on the lips. You kiss him passionately back.
You both let go of the kiss, and stare at each other smiling.
"Happy first kiss babe," Jeremy says happily.
"Happy first kiss Jerbear. I love you so much."
"I love you too Y/N."
By this time, the party was coming to an end, and all the guests were starting to leave. You and Jeremy both said goodbye to everyone, and hailed a cab.

Time Skip
Jeremy walked you to the door, and looked into your eyes.
"I had a wonderful time tonight," Jeremy said sweetly.
I said nothing. I just leaned into Jeremy's face, and kissed him again. Jeremy deepened the kiss.
After about 5 minutes of kissing, you both pulled apart, and Jeremy had no words. He was stunned. You smiled, because you knew he was extremely happy and you were happy as well.
Jeremy made sure you got into your apartment ok, and walked away silently.
You thought to yourself, "huh, he's so stunned, that he doesn't know what to say. I think that's cute."
You close the door, and kept smiling the rest of the night.

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