Jeremy Jordan- Valentine's Day

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I wake up, and realize I'm still laying on Jeremy's chest from last night. I slowly sit up, so I don't wake him. I then grab my phone, and check what time it is. It is 9:00am. I go over to the closet, and pick out a red dress for me and a black suit, with a red tie for Jeremy. Today is a really special day, because today is Valentine's Day. We have reservations for an Italian restaurant, for a romantic dinner at 6:00pm. I lay the outfits out on the edge of the bed. I then just go to the dresser drawer, and pick out anything to wear, for us right now. I go to the bathroom, and take a shower and then get dressed. When I open the door, to walk back out into the bedroom, I jump, because Jeremy is right in front of me. He says, "Hey love. Happy Valentine's Day!"
Once I collect myself from that mini scare, that Jeremy gave me, I smile, and say back to him, "Happy Valentine's Day!"
He laughs, because he knows that he scared me. I put my arms around his neck, and kiss him sweetly on the lips. I jumped, and put my legs around his waist. He carried us to the couch. We kept kissing, as I sat on his lap. We both bursted out laughing, when I almost fell off of him.

Since we kept uncontrollably laughing, I decided to make breakfast, and he decided to get dressed. I was going to make pancakes in a heart shape, and put bacon with them.

Once Jeremy was dressed, he came out to the kitchen, and sat at the table. I put the plate down in front of him, and he smiled so brightly.
"Those pancakes are as beautiful as you are." Jer said, sweetly.

I laugh. "Thank you my little heart shaped pancake."

He just looks at me like I have three heads. "Did you just call me a little heart shaped pancake?"

"Yes." I laugh cutely.

Jeremy gets up out of the chair, and takes the whipped cream I put on his pancakes, and smears it all over my lips. I scream a little, and then I lick my lips. I go to the refrigerator, and grab the can of whipped cream. I chase him around the apartment for five minutes. Finally I grab hold of him, and spray it all over his face. He tries to grab the can from me, to do the same thing. But luckily, he wasn't able to grab it, and I put it back in the refrigerator.

Jeremy now needed to get another shower, after he ate. I sat down with Mr. Whipped Cream Face, and ate the breakfast.

As Jeremy went to take another shower, I went out to the store to get him a special gift. I went to many different stores to find something super special. I had no idea what to get him, so I got something made.

I now head back to the apartment. Once I get back, Jeremy's sitting on the couch reading a book.

"Where were you?" He asks curiously.

"Oh you know..... at the store...." I smile and laugh.

"Sure you were." Jeremy laughs.

I put my hands on my hips, and laugh again. "Was too mister."

He gives me a goofy smile. I go to the bedroom,  and put my present in the box, and write out the card. It is nearing 5pm. I come out from the bedroom, and tell Jeremy that it was time to get ready. He follows me into the room, and I go to the bathroom to put waves in my hair. Jeremy is right next to me, putting gel in his hair. I then do my makeup. Jeremy puts his black suit, and red tie on, and I come out, and put my red dress, and black heels on.

"Wow you look stunning!"
"Look at you Mr. Handsome!"

He takes my hand, and we walk out of the apartment.

We enter the restaurant, and give our name for the reservation. They then seat us.

We look at the menu, and decide what we want. The waitress comes, and takes our order. Jeremy and I both order red wine. Then we both order different pasta dishes.

Our drinks come, then shortly after our food does too. We eat and talk for a little. Then I grab my purse, and grab Jeremy's present out of it. I hand him both the card and the gift.

"Y/N, what's this?"

"Oh just a little something to say I love you."

Jeremy opens the card. It says: Dear love, thank you for being there every minute of my life. Thank you for taking care of me when I'm sad, or having a bad day. But mostly, thank you for loving me unconditionally. Love you! Happy Valentine's Day. Xoxoxo.

I could see Jeremy tearing up a little. Then he goes to open the present. He takes the lid off the box, and right away he has a surprised face. I got made a college of all his favorite Broadway shows.

Now he is really in tears. "Oh my love, this is the best thing I could ever ask for. I love you so much!"

"I'm really glad you love it. I love you too!"

"Can I give you yours now?"

"Sure." I say with a smile.

He goes into his coat pocket, and brings out a small red box, with a pink bow. He then hands it to me. I open the box, and there is a small note on top of whatever was under it. I take the note and read it. It says: Dear Y/N, I'm so happy that you are mine, I don't know what I'd do without you. Thank you for loving me every day. Happy Valentine's Day! Xoxoxo

I smile intently. I then look at what's in the box. It's a beautiful charm bracelet, with Broadway charms with my favorite shows. They are little tiny Playbills from each show. I get up, and give him the biggest hug. Then I tell him to put it on me. I then sit back down. The waitress come to ask if we want dessert. We tell her what we want.

Jeremy then grabs my hand. "Thank you for making this the best Valentine's Day."

I tell him, "Thank you for making my whole life."

We just smile at each other for the longest time. The waitress comes with our dessert. We eat, then pay the bill. Jeremy and I both go back to our apartment, and enjoy the rest of the night.

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