Jack Kelly- Welcoming a New Newsie

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Jack and the boys were setting up Miss. Medda's theatre, for a welcoming party. They were receving a new Newsie. Jack set up tables and chairs, Miss. Medda was making the food, and the rest of the boys were decorating the stage with one of Jack's backdrops. They were also putting streamers, and balloons up. The new Newsie was coming by twelve in the afternoon.

                            Time Skip

It was now 11:55 in the morning, and Jack, Crutchie, and Medda were standing by the door of the theatre. They were anticipating the moment of the new Newsie walking into the theatre for the first time.

"Heya Jack where's da new Newsie at?" Crutchie asked, worried.

"I's thinks theys comin' soon, Crutch." He says, reassuring Crutchie.

Soon, the three hear a knock at the door. Medda opens the door.

"Well hello dear, you must be the new Newsie?" Medda asks kindly.

"Hello, yes I am the new Newsie." You say a little nervous.

"Well welcome. What is your name, sweetie?" Medda questions.

"M-my name is Y/N." You say stuttering.

"Oh don'ts bes nervous Y/N. Mys name is Crutchie, and dis is mys friend Jack."

"It's nice to meet both of y-"

"Woahs you is pretty." Jack interrupts you.

"Oh...um...thank you?" You say, blushing.

Miss. Medda takes you by the hand, and brings you up to the stage.

"Hey boys, this is our new Newsie, Y/N."

"Heys Y/N, welcome." The boys say in unison.

Medda shows you around the theatre, and tells you all about the Newsies. Shortly after, it is time to eat.

"Alright boys, it is time to eat. Please show Y/N to the food." Medda says.

Jack quickly runs over and takes your hand. He takes you to the food.

"Here's the foods Y/N. We's got chicken, potatoes, and pie." Jack says cutely, looking at you.

"Thank you Jack."

You pile your plate on with tons of potatoes, chicken and pie. You then walk back to the tables. You try to decide where to sit, when Jack calls you over. Once you sit down next to Jack, he starts to ask you random questions.

"Heys um Y/N, wheres you from originally?"

"I'm from Santa Fe, New Mexico."

"Santa Fe, huh. Well's I's know where that is. Boy do I's love mys Santa Fe." Jack says flirting with you.

"Oh really, Jack. Have you ever been there?" You say flirting with him too.

"No, but I's want too..." He announces, getting really close to your face.

You get a little scared, so you push him away from your face.

"Boy you is strong." Jack flirtatiously says.

"Well, when you are in Santa Fe, you have to fight for yourself to stay alive. It's not like the movies, Jack." You comment, thinking back to the bad times.

Jack doesn't know what to say. The welcoming party is nearing the end, and everyone is starting to say good night to each other.

"Y/N, cans you come to mys penthouse? I's like to talk to you."Jack says, trying not to stumble his words.

"Sure Jack. I'd love too."

You and Jack walk to his penthouse.

                     Time Skip

You and Jack arrive at his penthouse.

"Hey Jack? I thought you were taking me to your penthouse."

"This is mys penthouse. What you don'ts like it?"

"No, no Jack it's wonderful. I-I was just.... well.... you know.... expecting something a little different."

"Oh like one of those fancys things?"

"Yeah. But I love this one as much."You say with a smile.

you and Jack walk up to his penthouse, and sit down.

"Heys Y/N I's know we's just met but, I's like you." He leans in close to your face again.

This time, you let him stay near your face.

"Jack, yeah we's just met, but I's likes you too." You laugh, because you try out the New York accent.

Jack touches his lips to yours, and kisses you softly. You kiss him back.

"Y/N? Would you likes to go on a date withs me?"

"Jack Kelly, I'd love too."

You kiss Jack on the cheek, and walk out of his penthouse.

"Date tomorrows , Y/N."

"Ok Jack. Date tomorrow." You laugh.

"Good nights."

"Good night."

You smile, as you walk to your place.

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