Jeremy Jordan- Superheroes Rule

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Hello, my name is y/n. I am a superhero. Not just any superhero though..... My powers are very different from any other hero you have ever seen. Some people call me the "Queen of Broadway." Why? You might ask. Well, because my singing voice allow me to knock bad people into a trance. Also my ability to dance like I'm a cloud floating in the sky, let's me get place to place very quickly.

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It was the morning, and I was sitting on my couch watching the tv show Queer Eye. Jeremy was making breakfast for us. He was making us waffles, with strawberries and blueberries.

"Here you go sweetheart." Jeremy said sweetly.

"Thank you babe."

Jeremy sat down next to me.

"What are you watching?" Jeremy says, as he lays his head on my shoulder.

"One of my favorite shows, Queer Eye."

"I've heard about that show before."

We watched two episodes, while we ate our waffles. As soon as I took my last bite of my waffle, there was an urgent call coming in, that I had to take.

"I'll be back soon Jer." I said with a quick smile.

Literally almost everyone in the city knew that I wasn't just a superhero, but a actual human too. Shockingly, Jeremy still didn't know that I was really the superhero that went around the city the whole day. He must be wondering by now, why the superhero looked just like me. I mean after all, my suit is just a blue skirt with a satin purple shirt. I don't have an actual mask, besides the painted decals that appear on my face, symbolizing where I came from.

I'm off to go save people trapped in a skyscraper. As I left my apartment, I danced my way through the sky, to get to the trapped people. They were stuck on the 32nd floor of an electronic company, building. Some of the electronics they were working on had a malfunction, and started a fire on that floor.

I arrived at the 32nd floor, "I'm here to help you." I announced to the people.

There was 3 people on the floor.

"You three come with me." I quickly said, as I grabbed their hands, and brought them up into the sky with me.

I placed them down at the ambulances that were waiting outside of the building. The firefighters were going in to fight the fire. I stayed with the people for a few minutes, to make sure they were fine. They all got checked out by the paramedics. My job was done for this mission.

I headed back to my apartment, and changed back into my normal clothes. Jeremy was in the apartments extra room, which is now his home office.

"Jer I'm back." I announced sweetly, as I walked into the office.

Jeremy turned around, after writing down his last sentence. "Y/n can you come sit next to me? I need to ask you something."

"Absolutely, Jeremy."

I sat down next to Jeremy, and looked into his eyes. "What's the matter?"

"So.....I've been wondering this for a little while know the superhero people call the "Queen of Broadway?"


"Well look just like her." Jeremy said, nervously scratching the back of his neck.

"I do?.....well I sure hope so."

"Huh....wait, wait? Your the "Queen of Broadway?"

"Absolutely, positivity!"

Jeremy picked me up, and twirled me around the room. And kissed me softly on the lips.

"Oh my goodness that's amazing!"

"Thank you baby. I was wondering, since you're so cool with your girlfriend being a superhero, would you like to maybe be my sidekick?"

"Y/n I'd love too, but I have no powers"

"Jeremy honey, you don't need powers to be my sidekick. You can look up missions for me to complete, and I'll even make you a superhero suit too."

"I'd love that. Thank you y/n."

I sat on the couch the rest of the day, with Jeremy, making his superhero suit. His suit was a satin blue shirt with purple pants.

"Do you like your suit, Jeremy?"

"I love it. Thank you love."

It was getting late, so Jeremy put the tv on and I made dinner. I made meatloaf and mashed potatoes. Once it was ready, I fixed our plates, and sat down next to him.

"Thank you for dinner."

"You're welcome." I said, smiling at him.

Once we finished dinner, I laid down on Jeremy's lap, and he stroked my head.

"I'm so glad I get to be your sidekick." He said laughing.

"Me too." I sat up and kissed Jeremy on the cheek. "But just don't slack on finding me missions." I exclaimed, laughing.

"I'll try my best." Jeremy bursted out laughing at me, and kissing my nose. "Love you."

"I love you too, Jer." I smiled brightly, while snuggling close to him.

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