Sharing the news

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After Ms Bustier announced we're going to the princess' coronation Mari just started freaking out and made all these weird faces. Adrien, Alya and I stopped our convo to see what was wrong with Mari.

"Um dudette what's up with you?  Nino asked.

"Ummmm.....I'm just surprised is all." Marinette replied then smiled really wide  "oh and Nino I need to talk to you after class OK?"
"Yeah sure."

*After class* (cos I don't know what else to write 😎 plus Im not in school so why write about it😸)

" Nino let's go to my house it'd be easier to explain there." Marinette led Alya to her house.
"Aunt Tikki is Mother or Father home I want to speak about something."

"Hi, Mari. Yeah your parents are upstairs in the living room." Tikki replied

"Thanks, let's go Nino."

Marinette POV:

I'm actually a little nervous telling Nino my secret I hope he doesn't get mad at me. When we got to the living room I saw Mother and Father talking  to each other but they stopped when they saw us.

"Hello mother, father. There was something I wanted to discuss with you and it's about the upcoming trip to China to see my coronation." My parents looked at each other and my dad was about to continue when my mom stopped him motioning for Nino to say something.

"Wait it's your coronation? That means  my best friend is gonna be crowned queen of China soon! That's so cool" Nino exclaimed. 

"Yeah. I was kind of scared you'd be mad at me. It is a big thing." I said I'm relieved Nino isn't mad at me.

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