Going and Arriving

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Marinette POV
I'm glad Nino wasn't mad at me when he found out I'm China's next queen after I told him my parents explained that my class will be flying in my private plane  also that Nino and I will be in the royals only part of the plane.

Time Skip to the day they leave

Nino POV
I was so excited when Nettie told me her secret. Her parents turned out to be the king and queen and had me promise not to say anything. Mari picked me up in this rad gold limo and when we arrived at the airport Chloe was complaining about how it's unfair Marinette had that "even though her family is so poor" if only you knew Mari and I went to the royals area and it was SICK it was basically a mini hotel room. I was listening to music most of the way and I used earbuds to Marinette and I can both listen. I saw Marinette in her sketchbook probably designing more clothes based on animals. She designs a lot of ladybug and black cat inspired stuff. After about an hour on the plane Nettie fell asleep on my shoulder. It was about about an 11 hour flight I decided to catch some zzz's.

Time skip brought to you by Nino's sweet beats

I woke up when I heard an announcement from the pilot saying we'll arrive in Beijing in 2 hours. Then Ms Bustier announced to the class that we'll be staying in the princess's castle to meet with the King and Queen so we have to dress semi formal (business causal whatever that means)) so I decided to wake up Marinette.
"Yo, mari wake up we're gonna land in 2 hours and Ms Bustier said to dress business casual cos we're going to your castle to visit the King and Queen."
"Nettie" "Mari" "MARINETTE" I had to shake her awake then told her what Ms Bustier told the class.

Time skip to when they arrive in the airport

Mari POV
When we got off the plane. I went to look at what Alya, Adrien and Nino were wearing. A/N I forgot to add a picture so just imagine how you want it.

"Hey guys like the outfits. Really like yours Alya." Nino said."Yeah thanks I bought it a few days ago." Alya replied.
"Mari I like your outfits especially your scarf." Adrien complimented me. "O-oh um you thank like mine too. WAIT i-i mean *deep breaths* thank you I like yours too." I stammered but what do you expect my crush of almost 2 years complimented me.

"OK class please get with partner since we'll be heading out to go to the castle and since both Adrien and Marinette are fluent in Mandarin China's official language they'll be our translators also Marinette is from Beijing so she'll be our tour guide on our way to the royal castle. 

"What how come Mari-trash gets to be partners with Adrikins?!?!" Chloe yelled.

"Um because I'm fluent in Mandarin while you can barely speak French when your from the capitol city and your dad's the mayor." I clap backed at her with my arms crossed as I raised an eyebrow clearly not impressed . A lot of "ooohs" and "burns!!" were sad mostly Alix and Kim. Alya said "quick! Someone get some cold water cos Chloe got burned!!!!" "Ugh! Ridiculous! Utterly ridiculous! Come on Sabrina go get my suitcases."

A/N since I'm starting school ((10th grade)) in a couple weeks I'll leave a sneak peak to upcoming chapters before I publish the whole thing. 😎😋😎🍪

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