The Confession Plan Phase 1+2

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Alya POV 

After Mari and I arrived at the castle after getting our dresses I told her I was going to meet with Nino and she said she was gonna lay down in her bedroom. I  told her on our way back that I told her I knew she was the crown princess (she didn't freak out thankfully makes my plan a lot easier). Now I'm on my way to meet Nino so we can discuss our plan for the Adrienette ship to sail. 

"Nino! Hey, so what's the plan for the ship?" I asked him as we met up at the main hall of the castle. 

"Yo so I was thinking we should go to the Gate City Mall to see what we could get ideas for phase one." 
"Good idea. I have some ideas for what we can do. How about we each get 1gift 1 for Adrien and Marinette then say it came from Marinette and Adrien. Plus we're supposed to go to the International School of Beijing in a few days so I can ask Ms. Bustier if we can visit classrooms in pairs."

"Good idea seems like a good plan. Hey let's go in here" Nino pointed out an anime store
((idk if this is a thing or not sooo)) 
"Good idea you find something Adrien will like in there and I'll go see if they have a music store I heard Jagged Stone made a new album so I can get it for her and say it was from Adrien.

Time skip brought to you by Plagg's cheese

After we got the gifts for Mari and Adrien we headed back to the castle and went to their rooyvms
Nino got Adrien the One Punch Man series and  Sailor Moon and I got Mari one of Jagged Stone's vintage albums. I texted Mylene before we left so she can let the class know what the plan is for Mari to confess .
A: hey Mylene what's the class doing now?
Myl: we're going to the pool now
A: ok on our way now
When we arrived everyone was in the pool around the middle of it and only Kim and Alix in the deep end, Mylene, rose, and Juleka at the shallow part and Chloe and Sabrina sitting in nearby lounge doing each other's nails. The first thing I did was look for Nino and nod at him signaling for phase 2 to start.
What they're wearing btw

"Hey  Mari! Ummm why are you wearing a towel?" I wondered why she was covered up and not in the pool she can swim.
"I'm not comfortable wearing the swimsuit you picked out" Marinette replied and blushed slightly.
"Hey Mari-trash heads up next time wear something you can actually show. Maybe then it won't look like it came from the trash I mean her house." Chloe insulted. I was about to step in when Mari handed me her towel she was a little red with anger probably because her home was insulted. She walked over to the diving board got a running start and did a perfect dive in when she surfaced everyone had their mouths wide open and the guys except Ivan and Nino had a slight blush probably from seeing 1: Marinette in a bikini that showed off her toned body and muscles and 2: she did a perfect dive in plus when she was in the pool she did all types of swim strokes it was flawless.

A/N I'm starting 10th grade next Friday 😎😋😎🍪

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