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•Nico Di'Angelo•

"Well you barely even have time for me! You don't pleasure me! You don't even sit down and have a chat with me anymore!" The words echoed from the living room, where my father and mother were yelling at each other, to my bedroom where I laid in bed trying to get sleep before I had to wake up in an hour for school.
"I can't help it that you don't get your fat ass off the couch and get a job! I have to feed our family one way or another right!?" Mom shouted back at an even higher tone than dad's. This was an almost daily thing. They'd both yell at each other and be fine in a few hours.
Half an hour passed by when the shouting finally died down. I twisted and turned in bed, trying to find a comfortable spot.
My eye lids began to feel heavy and start to droop, only 3 minutes before my alarm went off.
My eyes flew open in anger as my phone vibrated and rung on my night stand. I eyed it, deciding whether to get up or not. It was either, get bullied at home, or get bullied in school. I ended up deciding school was the better choice.
Once I had showered and gotten ready, I headed downstairs. Only to see him sitting on the couch. He looked up at me and smirked. I eyed him carefully as I made my way to the door, making sure he wouldn't follow. Once I stepped out the threshold, I headed towards the direction of the building I liked to call, jail. The normal kids called it "school."
Reaching into my pocket, I pulled out the white tangled mess of headphones. Once I finally untangled them, I plugged them in. Playing "Welcome To The Black Parade" by My Chemical Romance. The worst band ever, if I might add. That and "teenagers" are the only good songs they have. Every other one sucks. I had been too focused on the lyrics to even notice the building that stared at me. It was a pretty new building, only built 9 years ago. Compared to everything else here in Sunnyville, it's pretty new. I watched as the overly happy kids with all their colorful clothes were laughing and talking. I looked down at my outfit. A black shirt with a skull, ripped skinny black jeans, and all black converse. On my right hand I wore my grey ring. It was a plain band but I'd kill if someone were to take it from me. I held back tears as the memories came flooding back. That night specifically.

"This can't be true.. it just can't be. Jason please.." Tears made their way down my cheeks, rolling off my jaw and making little marks on my shirt.
"I'm sorry Nico. I can't do anything about it.." I watched as Jason, my boyfriend, laid in the hospital bed. Or better known as, his death bed.
"I.. want you to have this." He brought his right hand up, showing his grey banded ring. He removed it with a slight tug. I reached my hand over, opening my palm.
"Never take it off Nico. Promise me you won't." He sobbed as he placed the ring into my palm. His cold skinny hand touching my palm.
"I promise." I cried back. I studied the ring before putting it on my right hand ring finger.
"Come closer." Jason motioned for me to lean in. I did as I was told, bringing my face only 2 cm from his. He softly placed his hand on my left cheek, wiping the tears away. He licked his lips a bit and closed off the space in between us. His lips were as cold as his hands, though they remained soft and plum. My lips moved with his as a few more tears escaped my eyes. Once we pulled away, I saw him smile.
"I.. I love you Nico. Never forget that." I broke into a broken sob, sniffing a few times.
"I love you too Jason. Always remember." As the words flowed out my mouth, tears escaped his eyes. I looked at his sea green eyes. I could die looking at them.
"Beeeeeeeeeeep." A long beep escaped from the machine that stood beside the bed, braking the silence. Doctors came running in to take the patient that laid dead on the hospital bed. I felt my heart sink. I knew this was coming, but having it happen right before my eyes shattered my heart. Jason was my reason for living. He was my reason for smiling everyday. I never smiled the same after that. Or even smiled in general.

I quickly wiped the tear that was rolling down my cheek as I entered the doors of hell. I studied the hall; crowded as usual. I made my way to my locker which I had the "so lucky" privilege to have right next to the football players's lockers. 
"Well well well. Look who we have here." George Miller. He was my bully. Also known as a jock, so no one cared if he bullied me. My gaze wondered until I met Will's eyes. His 50 shades of blue eyes. His arm was around Brittney's shoulders as she had hers on his waist, from the back. 
I brought my eyes over to my locker ignoring George.
"I'm talking to you." He scowls as he notices how I'm not focused on him. Suddenly a hand finds its way to my head, grabbing a chunk of my hair. George now stood with his face a few mere centimeters away from mine.
"Fucking look at me when I'm talking to you!" I rolled my eyes which only angered him more. He slammed me, face first, onto the lockers. Over and over again.
Blood started dripping from my nose and a chunk of my lip. All I could hear was George yelling insults at me as the rest of the jocks laughed. I layed on the floor as he now started kicking me. 
A few kicks later he was done.
"Next time I catch you talking to my girlfriend, I will murder you!" He spat at my face. That's what this is about!?
"We were working on a project together! I wouldn't talk to that skank anyway." I spat back at him. Catching a quick glance at Will, he was face palming after those words escaped my lips before even I could process that I had just said that. A sudden wave of anger washed over George's face. Suddenly his foot was connected to my face. He had never hit my face.
"Alright! That's it!" Will's deep but warm voice echoed in my head. He managed to pull George off of me. Everything was spinning, I couldn't really make out anything. 
"Let go of me Will!"
"That's enough!" Will yelled back, now angered. 
"You don't get to fucking decide! Get the fuck out the way!" I heard someone being slammed into the lockers. Suddenly Will yelled some curses at George and now George stood pinned onto the lockers.
"No fucking more! That's enough!" Will shouted as George finally calmed down. He huffed and walked off, followed by everyone except Brittney and Will.
"Babe why'd you do that!?" Brittney shouted.
"Because that's enough! Fucking get it through your head!" He shouted back at her. She gasped at his outburst directed at her.
"Fuck you Will!" She strutted away leaving Will standing there as I laid on the floor. Everything still spinning and blurry. Will came over, helping me up.
"Are you okay? That's stupid, obviously you're not. Fuck! I should have stopped it earlier." I didn't understand why he was suddenly caring about me. He never said anything, just watched like the rest of them. 
I couldn't speak. My throat hurt too much. 
I felt my body going sideways. I braced myself for the fall, but it never came. I was held by Will.
"Let's take you to the nurse." He smiled at me as he picked me up, bridal style.
"Will! Put me down!" I struggled in his arms, giving up as I realized he wouldn't put me down. I hung my head, laying it on Will's chest.
"So-sorry.." I felt my face get a rush of heat. "Put me down." Will chuckled as his cheeks tinted a light pink. 
"I'm going to-" The last thing I saw was a concerned expression on Will's face before I passed out.

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