
385 14 8

•Will Solace•

I laid in bed, tossing and turning. Thoughts of Nico were keeping me awake. Was he safe? Did he make it home? Is he sleeping? How will I get him to believe that I honestly want to be friends with him? 

My mind kept reminding me that his clothes laid in my bathroom. 

Images of Nico from earlier, in just a towel, his hair dripping onto his chest, flashed in my mind. 

What the hell are you thinking William! That didn't help, my imagination was still driving me insane. 

I got up and headed to my bathroom, grabbing his hoodie and getting back in bed. I smelled it. It smelled like his cologne. 

"Fuck.." I whispered to myself as I brought the hoodie to my chest as if cuddling it. 

Why was I thinking like this? Especially about... Nico. 

Fuck. I was hard. I sniffed his hoodie once again before bringing my hand under my pants and boxers.

After a while, I was a moaning mess. Imagining Nico was the one stroking me, I finally came. 

I quickly washed up and was finally able to fall asleep. 

I woke up to the sound of my alarm ringing over and over again. Once I adjusted to the light, I noticed I still had Nico's hoodie with me. My face flushed red as I remembered what happened last night. 

I was about to leave but was debating whether or not I should bring his hoodie. Nah, he'll get it after school when he hopefully comes over. 

I arrived at school a bit late due to traffic, but not late enough. The bell was about to ring in a few minutes. I made my way into the school and instantly noticed everyone staring at me weirdly.

"There he is! You're not with your little boyfriend?" George came over laughing.

"What are you talking about?" I rolled my eyes at him and kept walking.

"Your boyfriend. The Freak." He smirked.

"Who are you ranting on about. And once again, I'm not gay." I shook my head.

"The one wearing your jersey." His comment stopped me in my tracks. He's talking about Nico. Why is he still wearing it? Why'd he not change at his house?

"He's not my boyfriend. I let him borrow it." I kept walking in order to avoid further conversation.

The bell rung, causing me to go to class. 

It was now 5th period and I hadn't seen Nico all day. 

Suddenly, I was pulled into a room. 

"What the hell?" The room was dark and small, like a broom or janitor's closet.

"Let's get freaky before class, daddy." It was Brittney.

She threw herself on me and began kissing me. I kissed her back. Part of me still liked her. My hands reached under her shirt, playing with her breasts.

One thing led to another and soon enough we were fucking in the broom closet.

"Oh! Fuck! Fuck me harder!" I covered her mouth.

"Shh. They might- fuck- they might hear us." 

Once we both came, we walked to class. 

"I missed you, daddy." She grabbed my hand as she said so.

"I missed you too," I replied.

In half an hour, the whole school found out that we were back together.

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