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•Will Solace•

I held a passed out Nico in my arms. Blood on his nose and lips. I rushed over to the nurse, placing him down those foldable beds in the nurse's room.
"What happened to him?" The nurse came over, examining him.
"I don't know. He looked hurt so I brought him over." I lied. As much as I hated George, I wasn't raised to snitch.
"Alright. You can head back to class. Thanks." The nurse waved me off as she brought a tray of supplies over to where Nico laid. I took one last glance at Nico. He looked so peaceful.. broken, but peaceful. I exited the room, instantly regretting leaving him alone.
The day went by slow, I hadn't seen Nico all day and guilt was eating me alive.
The bell rung, indicating school had ended. I rapidly grabbed my stuff and practically ran into the nurses' room. I barged into the room only to be greeted by an empty room. Nico had already been let go. What time had he left? How is he holding up? All these questions raced through my head as I made my way to my car.
Soon enough I was in my front yard, car off, just staring into space.
It felt like hours, but it was really 4 minutes. I got out the car and unlocked the front door, letting myself in.
"Mom! I'm home!" I yelled out as I set my bag next to the door.
It was awfully quiet.
"Mom!?" I yelled a bit louder. Maybe she was sleeping..? I walked into the kitchen to find her sprawled on the floor, mouth foaming, pills and vodka bottles everywhere.
"Mom!" I ran to her side, turning her over so she wouldn't choke. Instantly, I dialed 911.
"Hello! Yes, please! Send help!" I gave them my address and the situation. No more than 3 minutes later, the ambulance was here. Doctors ran in and quickly began working on her.
"It's okay Will." The doctor, James, was always the one who came to tend my mom. This was the third time she had overdosed. The doctors said that the third time, it would result in death.
"She knows what can happen.." James whispered to me, careful not to trigger me.
"Get out. Get out! Get! Out!" I couldn't hold it in. I exploded on him until him and everyone else left.
I slid down to the floor, my back on the kitchen island. Fuck! Why would she do this!
My head began pounding and my eyes began to droop.
*ding ding*
My eyes slowly fluttered open, still heavy from the tears I had let out. I reached over to my phone, instantly throwing it down as the light hurt my eyes. I waited a few minutes before adjusting to the light.
I grabbed my phone and saw all the texts and calls from Brittney.
"Oh shit! Our date!" Goddamn. I checked the time.
"Shit.." I was an hour and a half late. It was 9:30.
I grabbed my keys and ran as fast as I could yo my car.
The engine roared to life. I began gradually gaining speed. I was going 75 at a 45 zone.
I arrived at the pizza place "Luigi's fine pizza," and ran in. My eyes met Brittney's.
"Well look who showed up! An hour and a half late!" She blew up, causing everyone to stare.
"Brittney, let me explain." I tried to calm her down but she wouldn't listen.
"No! Fuck you Will! Fuck! You! Go with your other fucking whore! I'm so done with you! We're over!"
"My mom overdosed again!" I yelled out as her eyes suddenly widened.
"Will.. I. I'm so sorry." She looked down at her feet.
"No! Fuck off! Get the fuck out my life! Better for you anyway right! Since you happen to be blowing George anyway!" She gasped at my outburst and slapped me before leaving. I sighed as I walked to order. I stood in line when a pale boy caught my sight. Nico. He noticed me staring and instantly looked down. I walked over and sat in front of him.
"How.. how are you..?" My voice came out as barely a whisper.
"Fine." He quickly let the word.
"I'm sorry for not stopping him earlier." Guilt washed over me. He cleared his throat and spoke.
"I'm sorry about your mom. I hope she gets better." His comment took me by surprise. I stood lost for words.
"Number 182!" Luis, the owner/cook, called out. Nico stood up, grabbed the pizza, paid, and headed out. I followed behind him.
"Do you need a ride?" I asked, causing him to stop dead in his tracks.
"No." He began walking again.
"Nico. It's kind of cold. You'll get sick. Let me drive you home."
"I said no."
"Nico. Get in the car." I let myself in, unlocking the door from the inside.
"Get in," I repeated. He stood with his back against me for almost 2 minutes before finally giving in. He looked almost scared once he was in the car.
I reached over to him which made him flinch.
"S-sorry. Um.. seatbelt." I whispered, not making eye contact. Nico didn't move. He looked lost.
"Nico.. you have to put it on. Please?" I slowly looked at him. He was shaking.
"I'm not going to hurt you." He stayed quiet. Finally, he reached over and put it on.
I smiled, "thanks."
"Address?" I asked.
"Straight down. To the hole."
"You live in the hole!? That's almost an hour from here! You walked??" The hole was a little place. The worst place to live. Someone new died there almost every day. It was the main point for drugs too.
Nico didn't say a word. He focused on his hands instead. I decided to stay quiet and begin driving.
"Do you walk to school every day?" I tried making conversation, but Nico wouldn't budge.
The whole ride was silent until I was a few minutes away from his house.
"Stop here." Nico finally spoke.
"This is the middle of the street? Where's your house?"
"I live all the way at the end. Leave me here." He began taking his seatbelt off.
"No way. I'm not letting you walk alone out here." I continued to drive, ignoring his protests.
"Will no. Leave me here! Please." Nico kept insisting, but it was too late. I had already reached his house. A look of horror washed over his face.
"Nico what's wrong!?" I quickly turned to him,
"You have to leave. Right now!" Nico hurriedly jumped out the car.
Suddenly his front door opened.
"Nico! Hey! Come inside my boy! Hurry, it's cold." What appeared to be his dad called out to him.

"Coming... dad." Nico went even more pale than usual. Nico reached the door and turned to look at me one last time before heading into the house. 

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