
398 11 10

•Will Solace•

I unlocked the door to my house, letting Nico in. It was already 9 almost 10. 

"Can- Can I shower..?" Nico asked me. 

"Of course you can. Think of this as your house. Okay?" He nodded, but I knew that he would still be as shy for every little thing. I just had to get him to open up.

We headed upstairs to my room where I took out some pj's for him. 

"Thank you. For everything. You don't have to do this." He looked down to the ground.

"I want to do it. Now go shower." I smiled at him as he went into the bathroom. I took this time to grab his hoodie. I brought it up to my nose, smelling it. It smelled like my cologne, but a faint smell of his.

'What the fuck. Get your shit together William!' I once again, scolded myself. I quickly put it back in his bag and sat on my bed. 

I pulled my phone out, scrolling through my Instagram feed. A picture of George and Brittney was posted an hour ago. I don't see how his girlfriend is with him. Everyone knows he's cheating on her.

"You can go shower now." Nico's voice took me out of my thoughts.

"Alright. I'll be back." I grabbed my clothes and my towel and headed for the bathroom. I quickly got undressed and stepped into the warm water. 

Nico. Naked. On your bed. 

Fuck! My mind just wanted to kill me with those thoughts.

My hand found its way onto my member and began pumping it. I let out a moan.

"Nico.." I moaned out his name in a whisper.

"Fuck.. yes. Just like that." I couldn't hold the moans in. 

"Nico. I'm gonna cu-" With those last few words and pumps, I came all over.

What was I thinking? I cleaned up and exited the shower. I threw the clean boxers on and my long pj pants on. I unlocked the door to find Nico laid in the corner, by the wall, on my bed.

"I'm sorry. I know I should have asked before laying down. I just-" He began once he saw me.

"Apologize again and I'm going to fight you." I laughed. He stared at me as his cheeks tinted red. 

"I sleep shirtless." I shrugged. I made my way to the bed and sat down.

"You don't have to sleep in the corner. Come closer, you're going to fall." His cheeks tinted an even darker shade of red this time, but he came closer either way.

"Will.." He whispered.


"How's your mom..?" I didn't expect that.

"She's going to be okay. She'll be able to leave the hospital in about a week." I replied with a tear in my eye.

"I'm glad she's okay." 

"Thank you." I turned to look at him to realize that he was already staring at me.

"Is your dad the one that did.. that.. to your back?" It slipped out before I could even process it. He started shaking as he moved to look up at the ceiling rather than at me.

"The day you brought me home from the pizza place. I told you to leave me a bit back so he wouldn't see you. He doesn't like anyone being with me. Especially after he sent me to the pizza place so that he could practically torture me. You driving me takes away the purpose of his little torture game." He let a single tear fall. My heart dropped.

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