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•Will Solace•

The sound of metal banging against the tiled floor made me finally push her away.

"What the hell, Rosy!" I shouted to her as soon as I pushed her away.

"Nico! Wait! Please! I can explain!" I was all over the place.

"What's going on?" Rosy looked at me, arms crossed over her chest.

"Just leave!" I shouted directly at her in frustration.

"Fine!" She shouted, thankfully not arguing back, and slammed the door behind her.

I ran faster than the Flash himself into the living room.

"Nico.." He sat on the couch, tears forming in his eyes. I sat on the couch and slowly inched closer to him.

"I am so fucking sorry. She jumped on me as soon as I opened the door. I tried to get her off but she'd just pull me back and I-I didn't push her off because I didn't want to hurt her. I really am sorry, Nico." How do I manage to keep fucking this up?

"It's fine, Solace. One, we're not even dating anyway. Two, you're allowed to date people. Three, I'm already used to being hurt anyway." He spoke in such a broken voice. He wants me to believe that he's fine, but in reality, this is killing him.

"No. I began talking to her so that I could get you off of my mind since we had stopped talking. The truth is that I really fucking like you. Even though I manage to keep fucking this up. As for the last part, I don't want to hurt you!" The words were just coming out without me even having to think them.

"I really like you too, Solace, but we're just too different. I'm too broken." He quickly wiped a tear that fell from his eye.

"I don't care if we're different and you are NOT broken. I repeat you are not broken! If anything, I think you're one of the strongest people ever for being able to push forward even after everything you've been through. You're a fucking warrior." I felt pretty confident in my little speech. I just hoped that he believed me.

"Sure." Was all he mumbled back. I wrapped my arm around his shoulders, pulling him closer.

"I'm sorry." I closed my eyes as I rested my head on top of his.

"Hey, Will... I have to go somewhere really quick. I'll be back." He stood up and headed towards the door without even hearing my response.

"I'll take you." I followed suit and got up as well.

"No. I'll go alone." Of course, he'd want to go alone.

"Nico-" I began.

"I said no, Solace." He made his final statement as he shut the door behind him. He was insane if he thought I was going to leave him walk alone this late at night.

I watched him through the small glass on the door. As soon as he turned the corner, I ran outside and into my car. At an instant, the engine roared to life and I was following Nico a few blocks behind. 

10 or so minutes had gone by when Nico finally made a stop. I shut my car off and locked it before starting to walk to where Nico was. Thankfully I was a few blocks behind, otherwise, he would have spotted me and this wouldn't have ended well.

I slowly crept towards him, hearing his words. Who was he talking to?

"I don't know what to do.." I heard Nico whisper to the person beside him.

"You can't be scared your whole life. If this wasn't meant to be, God wouldn't have put him there." The voice of a woman spoke back.

"Pft." Nico sighed. "How can you even believe that there is a God when all of this bullshit is happening." I saw as he threw his hood over his head and crossed his arms.

"God works in mysterious ways. This is all meant to be. Anyways, this boy. He sounds like he could be worth it. If not, well that's okay too. You'll have learned a lesson and then you move on. Life continues." For some reason, this woman put out some calming vibes. Like I could talk to her about anything and everything.

"I don't know. What if I get hurt. I just don't I want that. This was a horrible idea!"

"Hun, you can't quit before the miracle happens." She had wise grandma words. I peered further into where Nico and the woman stood, getting a view of her.

She was maybe in her 30's. She wore a hot pink tube top that barely covered her chest. She also wore the shortest jean skirt I had ever seen. Matching her top were her hot pink, 5 inch, heels. As for her hair, she had it in a messy bun that actually looked great on her. Dangling on her ears were large hoops.

If I hadn't known any better, I'd have said that this woman was a hooker.

"Give this boy a chance. Maybe he's the one." She spoke again after Nico had been left speechless.

"Thanks, mom." My eyes went wide open and my breath caught in my throat. That's his mom!? I began having a coughing fit after said breath stopped my breathing.

Both Nico and his mom walked over to where the sound, me, was coming from.

"Will!?" Nico shouted out in surprise. My head was down and my arms were on my knees as I continued to choke. Suddenly, a hand slapped my back, leaving the sting of all five fingers. 

"Gooddamn, Nico!" I shouted as I was able to breathe again. I straightened up, brushing off my clothes.

"What the hell are you doing here!?" Nico seemed angry at first, but then it changed to something that I couldn't quite read.

"I'm sorry, Di'Angelo. I know you said not to come, but I was worried. I simply can't let you walk alone at this time of night! It's around 11! I would never forgive myself if something happened to you..." I whispered the last part.

"Solace-" His mom cut him off and began.

"He's definitely the one. Marry him or I will." I chuckled at her comment as my cheeks tinted pink. Nico just sighed and facepalmed.

"How much of the conversation did you hear?" He finally looked up.

"Basically all of it.." I rubbed the back of my neck, ashamed. "I'm sorry, Nico."

"I keep ending up saying that, don't I? Maybe you're right. Maybe I might end up unintentionally hurting you. God knows that I would never do it on purpose, but seeing how I have to keep apologizing to you, maybe I'm just not good enough for you." 

"Solace." Nico started, but I cut him off. 'Nice, Will.' I scolded myself.

"Nico, you deserve the whole fucking world and I would be the luckiest person in the world if I got to give you it, but I could hurt you. Hell, I already have. So many fucking times. I just want what's best for you and... I don't think I'm it." A tear escaped my eye. I had never felt so worthless as I did right now. Hell, I've never even felt worthless until now. I turned around and began heading towards my car.

A small hand grabbed mine, turning me around.

A pair of smooth and soft lips crashed onto mine, filling my stomach with all sorts of butterflies.


I know I'm supposed to update once a week, but this is the thing. I have this habit of writing whenever I get motivated. So I might lose all motivation and not post for 2 weeks. Or I will be extremely inspired and post 3 chapters in an hour. (Been there, done that.) So here is this chapter :D
Also, this book was eligible for the Watty's!! I know it's not going to win, but just the thought of it being eligible is freaking insane!! Thank you all SO freaking much for reading this crappy book!!!

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