She/He is mine

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Within the weeks of your captured time the avengers had finally comprise a plan in order to retrieve you Rumlow not know the conflict now that is ahead..

"Ok Buck and Me are in the base on the south side of the tower, Clint, you and Nat have the East side of area."

"Understood." Clint replied nodded to Natasha

"Tony-" "I know know I got the upper skyline with Sam, and the twins?" He said flying around checking for signs Sam flying behind him.

"So far so good nothing bad as of right now.." Pietro said running around.

"Ok plans ago then." Steve said Bucky following him seeing the building looking completely empty seeing a few guards taking them down swiftly upon finding a room Bucky heard a cry of pain coming from the guard.

They ran quietly behind a few crates for cover.
"You can come out There's no point in hiding when I got a sniffer."

Bucky looked his eyes widened seeing your blue eye with what looked like a tear coming from it and a bright red gleaming from the other..You were chained to the wall standing beside you was Rumlow with a smirk.

"I don't mean to pull a jigsaw on you but you exactly 5 min to calm this her/him down."

He said walking into an observer room locking the door behind him closing off the exits. He shocked you by pressing a button pissing you off every time  the chain getting close to breaking.  "No! This isn't y/n it can't be!" Steve said walking towards you. "No it is, see I was originally going to kill you off one by one but might as well kill two soldiers with one dog." He press a shock again. "ARGGGHHH!"

"Steve no!" The chain broke and you pounced Bucky pushing Steve out of the way A scratch landed on Bucky's arm from your claw. "Call Tony and get her/him out of here!" Steve stood there. "Steve!" He shook him. "T-Tony we found y/n she's/he's a bit unstable though." "
What's that mean?" A roar could be heard on the earpiece "Tony!" Steve shouted "On it!" He said now calling to his helper  "Jarvis?" "Right away sir."
Jarvis spoke from the mountain top a box appeared coming from the sky landing and opening revealing a net. Tony landed retrieving it.
"On my way cap, everyone else start heading back." Tony said flying towards Steve's location
Arriving on the scene Tony's eyes widened in silence "Kid!?" "Hurry Tony!"

Steve replied. Tony began landed the heavy net on you magnetic forces connected trapping you causing you to growl and roar in frustration. The metal box closed sealing you in..growls and Roars could be heard inside..."What should we do?" Steve asked worried placing a hand on the crate.

"Well I'm not sure I don't know if me and Banner can figure this out.." Tony rested a hand on his chin. Thor chimed in on the earpiece "Maybe you don't have to..I think I know a man."
Author note:Should I add doctor strange??? For a chapter. Plus leave a comment love you guys

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