Chapter Twenty Eight

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|  T A K I N G   F L I G H T   W H E N  
W I N G L E S S   |

January, 1977

"IS IT the full moon already or are we just kinky now?  Why is No.2 handcuffed?"  Sirius wondered in his half-asleep state.  He blinked at me through bleary vision.

If I could've, I would have slapped him upside the head for that stupid question.  I settled for growling, since it was all I could do with my hands currently occupied.  "Neither."

"She's cuffed because she tried to leave last night.  Only way I could get her to stay was to do, well, that."  James waved in my general direction as he gave a lengthy yawn.

"I was wondering why I had this pillow wedged under me."  Sirius grinned, tossing it away.  "Crafty, No.2.  But not good enough."

I rolled my eyes and tugged at the cuffs.  "Stop calling me that.  I have an actual name.  Also, this is totally unnecessary!"

"Unnecessary?"  James scoffed but it came out sounding more like a laugh of disbelief.  "You almost hexed me last night when I wouldn't let you leave."

"No.2," Sirius chuckled and shook his head.  "How unacceptable."

No, what was unacceptable was how natural they were acting, as if me becoming a murderer changed nothing.  I was different now — evil, and if they didn't see that soon then they would be in trouble.  Why couldn't they see my efforts to save them from harm? 

"I wouldn't have hexed you.  I was only going to petrify you."

"Oh yeah, petrifying me and racing away into certain danger outside the walls of the castle is a way better idea. I applaud you on your utter stupidity."

I wasn't defenceless.  Rather, I almost had too much defence.  Too much ability to hurt people than the damage they could do to me.

"Listen to me.  You can't do this.  I understand that you want to help but the longer I stay, the more worried I get that I'll lash out and hurt someone else.  One of you, one of the other students, a teacher —"

"No Marauder goes off alone."  James told me.  If his crossed arms pose was meant to intimidate me into doing what he wanted, it failed epically. I wasn't afraid of them, not nearly as much as I was afraid of myself.

"Did you hear anything I just said? I'm dangerous."

"So am I, Cassie." Remus said as he undid the handcuffs adorning my wrists, weighing my limbs down with their heavy metal. Where did they find all of these chains and how did they keep them a secret?

Despite not agreeing with Remus, I was glad that at least he had some decency. The rest of the boys looked like they would just leave me in those awful cuffs that chafed at my skin and my dignity.

"You haven't killed anyone." I fired back.

He had a ready retort. The challenge had been received in those forest green eyes of his. His eyes normally reflected the brilliance of nature, the glitter of emeralds. Today, in this moment, they displayed sharpened daggers of jade. "I could've killed you, in the forest instead of biting you."

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