Chapter 1 - There's No Place Like A New Place

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The Bunker

Amber's Pov

We drive up to a big building in what feels like the middle of nowhere and park the car. I try to help the brothers by offering to carry some of the bags, but they said they could handle it. I don't really have anything of my own since we left my place in quit a hurry. It's dark, we have been driving for hours. Sam and Dean had taken turns to drive while I stayed in the backseat.

We walk down a little staircase to where the door is, and Dean unlocks it. He walks in and Sam let's me go before him. I walk down some more stairs and down to another door where Dean again unlocks. We walk into a little platform. Dean walks down even more stairs, but I just walk over to railing. I look out at the big room that I'm in.

There is two big main rooms beside each other. The one I'm in has a big table with a map on it in the middle and there are two openings on each side. Then on the opposite side of where I am there is another big opening to the other big room. It looks like a big library, with 3 tables and a lot of bookshelves.

"This is your home?" I finally ask after enduring all of that.

"Yep. Home sweet Bunker" Dean said from down the stairs.

"We have been here for a few years now." Sam said behind me. We then walk down the stairs.

Sam puts his duffle bag on the table and then turns towards me.

"Come I'll give a quick tour and then show you where your room is." He said and walks out of one of the openings. I follow him. It's a big place with many rooms and hallways. He showed me where the Kitchen was, the bathroom, the garage and the archive.  After we have walked a little Sam stops in front a room with the number 14 on it.

"So, here's your room. If you need anything we will be in the library, okay." He said with a sweet smile.

"Okay. But What am I going to do? It's not like I had tons of bags with me."

He chuckled. "Right, then maybe you and Dean can go out on a little shopping trip and get you something, so you don't get bored to death while you're here."

I smile, and we walk back to the first big room that I have decided to call the front or the living room. Dean is sitting at the table and the duffle bags are gone. I then notice a man sitting across from him. His eyes... they were shining with white and blue light, like my dad. According to Sam and Dean he is an angel. I quickly grab Sam's Jacket and hide behind him like I'm 5. Scared that he is like my dad.

"Whoa! What's wrong?" Sam said with a giggle, surprised of what I did.

"His eyes! They are white and blue!" I said scared.

Sam and Dean looks at him and then back at me. Then Dean walks over to me.

"Remember the one nice angel I talked about? That's him. He won't hurt you I promise." He said.

I let go of Sam's jacket and slowly walks up to dean.

"Amber this Is Castiel, Castiel this is Amber." Dean said placing a hand on my shoulder.

"Hi." Castiel said.

"H... Hi" I said still a little nervous.

"You said something about my face. What was that?" He asks.

I look up at dean as if I'm asking for permission. He nods.

"Uhm. Your eyes they are blue and white."

"Dean I think she can see the true faces of angels." He suddenly said out of nowhere.

"What? How?" Dean and Sam said at the same time. They seemed just as confused as me except they seemed to know what the hole 'see the true faces of angels' part was.

"I don't know, but she does have some connection with heaven because of that." Castiel said.

They all 3 looked at me.

"I... I didn't know I could see the true faces of angels." I said trying to stop the awkward silence there was.

Dean sat down at the table again. While Sam continued to stand.

"Amber how long have you had these powers?" Castiel asks.

"I think my hole life. I just didn't know that what I could see was angels." I said.

"But you don't have any other powers than that?" Dean asks.

"No, I don't think so."

We all just kind of stood around for a few minutes before Sam finally says something.

"Hey Dean, why don't you take Amber and go for a little shopping trip?"

"What? Why?" Dean asked.

"Well, she doesn't have any stuff of her own and she has nothing to do so, I thought you could go and get her something."

"Sure, but let's do that tomorrow okay? I'm tired and I wanna sleep." He said.

"Is that okay with you?" Sam asked me. I simply nodded.

I walked back to my room shortly after that. I'm surprised I didn't get lost in this maze. I was about to open the door and walk in when I heard someone come my direction. I look around the corner and see Dean.

"Oh, hey kiddo." He said with a soft but tired smile.

"Hi." I said shyly. "What are you doing?"

"I'm about to go to sleep. This is my room. Hey, which room did Sam give you anyway?"

"Uhm, This one nr, 14." I said.

"Uh, he gave you a room close to one of us. My room is NR. 11." He said.

"Is that bad?" I said a little nervous.

"No, it's a good idea, because then its easy for at least one of us to get to you if anything happens."

That made me softly smile. Do they actually care about me?

"Well, goodnight kid." He said as he opens the door to his room and walked in.

"Goodnight." I said as I turned around and walked in to my room. I didn't actually see it before. It's nice. With a bed, a closet, a drawer, a desk with a chair and a mirror hanging on the wall. I take of my jacket and place it on the chair and went to bed.


Next day...  

I walk out to the kitchen where Sam and Dean are sitting and drinking coffee.

"Good morning." Sam said

"Morning." I replied.

"How did you sleep?" Dean asked me.

"Um, fine I guess." I lie. I didn't sleep at all. I couldn't.

I sat down at the end of the table.

"So, when are you two leaving?" Sam asked.

"What?" Dean asked too tired to be able to focused on anything else than his coffee.

"You and Amber? Going out to get her some stuff, remember?"

"Uh, right. You need any breakfast before we leave kid?"

"No, I'm not hungry." I said

"Not Hungry? When was the last time you ate?" Sam asked

"I don't know 2 days ago, maybe?"

"And you're not hungry? Okay, when we're done with the hole shopping thing we will get you something to eat, no discussion." Dean said as he finished his coffee and stood up.

"Okay kid, grab your jacket lets go." He said as he walks up the stairs. I quickly follow.

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