Chapter 5 - We Won't Hurt You

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Amber's Pov

I opened my eyes to this bright light. After a minute or two I could see that I was in a hospital. I don't remember anything that happened. I look around the room and see dean to my side, his head down in his hands. I sit up in the bed.

"Dean?" I ask gently. He looked up at me and I could see that he had tears in his eyes.

"Amber? Oh, thank god you're okay." He said in relief. He took my hand and moved his thumb back and forth to comfort me.

"What...what happened?" I asked tired. He looked down at his hands and I could tell that he wasn't happy with what happened.

"The uh... the vampires knew that Sam and I were coming. They captured us while some of the others went to capture you. They brought you to the barn and tied you up and tortured you in front of me and Sam." I could see that he was trying to keep himself together. "We... We couldn't get to you sooner. We were tied up. I'm... I'm sorry." He looked down again. I grabbed his hand to try and comfort him.

"Hey, I'm okay see. I'm okay and you're okay right. Besides it takes a bit more than simple stabs to break me." I said with a soft laugh trying to cheer him up. He gave a soft smile in response.

"Where is Sam?" I asked.

"He is getting some food. We'll be leaving in an hour or so when the doctor says it okay." He said. Then Sam walked in the door with a bag and coffee in his hands. He looked at me with a big smile.

"Amber! You're okay." He said with relief as he walked over to my bed and sat down across from Dean.

"Are you hungry?" He asked as he handed me a burger. I nodded and took the burger. I was starving.

We sat and ate our burgers when I had to have some answers.

"Hey, can I ask you some questions?" I asked, and Sam and Dean looked at me and gave me their full attention.

"Yeah, of course anything." Sam said.

"Are you gonna keep me?" I asked and quickly looked down, afraid of the answer.

There was silence for a few minutes before anyone said anything.

"No... We aren't gonna keep you for the rest of your life." Dean said. "But we will be taking care of you while we figure out the whole angel thing."

"So, is that the only reason you saved me? Because of my powers?" I asked with tears slowly coming in my eyes.

Sam and Dean looked at each other for a moment before looking back at me.

"No, of course not. We didn't know about your powers when we found you I promise." Sam said. 

"We will take care of the whole angel thing and then we will send you to a very good and close friend of ours and she will take care of you. You will go to school, get friends and you'll have two amazing sisters. I promise it's a good place and it'll feel like home" Dean said with a soft smile.

"But, why can't I stay with you?" I said trying to convince them to let me stay. I looked at Sam who was looking at Dean. He had his head down, looking at the ground.

"Because of our jobs... It's too dangerous to have a kid around for too long." He said, but I could tell that It wasn't only that. There was something else too, but why wouldn't they tell me?

"But you get to stay with us for now. That's safest." Dean said. Then he looked at me very serious.

"But know this... Sam, Cas and I. You don't ever have to be afraid of us. We will never hurt you like your dad did. Ever. Understand me?" I looked at him with a soft smile.

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