Chapter 9 - Don't Play With Fire

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Place Unknown

Amber's Pov.

I woke up in a dark place. I couldn't see anything before my eyes had adjusted to the darkness. When I could finally see something I looked around and noticed I was in metal room. I started to breathe heavily as I was starting to panic. It remanded me of my dads torture rooms. I tried to moved when I noticed I was tied to a chair. Which made me panic even more.

Oh no! My nightmare did come true. It was probably dad that took me. He has probably killed Sam and Dean so this time no one is coming for me.

Those thoughts going through my head over and over again when suddenly a door opened in front of me sending light in that blinded.

"Oh good, you're awake." A voice said from the light. It was unfamiliar. I didn't say anything. I heard food steps coming closer to me. My eyes adjusted to the light and I could see that it was a man, not that tall and he was bold. He also had a beard.

"The boss have big plans for you sweetheart." He said with a creepy grin.

"What's wrong with your face?" I asked scared. There was this dark smoke in front of his real face. In the smoke there was this dark and twisted sort of figure.

"Sweetheart I'm a demon." He said with a grin. "Interesting that you can see my real face."

Great I can see demons too? What the hell I am? I thought to myself.

"Who are you? Do you work for my dad?" I asked scared. He just laughed.

"I don't work for feathered douchebags" He said.

"But you know my dad?"

"Every demon knows him. He was the one that saved you!" He said laughing.

"He didn't save me! He tortured me!" I said acting stronger than I felt.

"Maybe but if it weren't for him you would be dead."

"I would rather have died than be tortured for no reason whatsoever." I said.

"You know the rest of the feathered bastards from upstairs, when they find out you have been alive all this time, they are gonna kill you."The demon said.

"What do you want with me?" I asked nervous.

"The boss wants to keep you safe. He wants you to be the protector of hell."

"Protector of hell? What the hell does that mean?"

He didn't answer instead he walked over to the door and grabbed something I couldn't really see what was. Then he walked up behind me. It gave me a better look at what he had in his hands. It was two burning hot metal bars. He hold them close to each of my shoulders without touch. Yet I could still feel the heat.

"Wha.... What are you gonna do with those?" I asked scared.

"The boss want your powers working."

"My powers working? You mean I have even more powers?" I asked shocked and confused.

"Wow, that feathered douche didn't tell you anything about what you are, did he?" He said with a small grin. I didn't say anything. I was trying to prepare myself for the pain there was soon to come. For some reason dad had never burned me. He had done every other possible thing to me, but never anything with fire.  

Suddenly I felt this hot pain on my shoulders. I screamed till a had no air left in my lungs. It was like nothing I had ever tried before. I closed my eyes in pain. Then suddenly I started to feel weird. The pain changed. It still hurt, but it was different. Like there was a part of me that didn't want the pain to disappear. A part of me that liked the pain. Still screaming I opened my eyes, but my vision was different. All the colors was faded and I was able focus on one thing at a time. Like I could see them more clearly. The room was no longer dark either. I could see everything as if the lights were on.

Then the pain stopped. The demon had removed the metal from my shoulders. I'm not sure how long he had hold them there. It had felt like a long time, but it was probably just a few minutes. He walked over in front of me and looked me in the eyes.

"Would you look at that?" He said with a smile. "Maybe those powers aren't buried so deep after all."

"What do... What do you mean?" I asked as my vision became normal again.

"Well you're eyes sweetheart. They glowed." Was all he said in response.

I looked at him in shock. Glowed? What the hell does that mean? I though to myself as the demon turned around and left me alone in the Dark room. I was unable to speak in shock of what had just happened.


The bunker

Dean's Pov

"Come on, come on. There's gotta be something." I said frustrated as I was trying to find Amber. We had searched around the parking lot and the small forest trying to find her but she was no where to be found. We had decided to go back to the bunker to do research but I didn't like it. I didn't like leaving the place where she might come back to.

Sam was sitting across from me looking with his laptop. Looking just as frustrated as me.

"Hey we're gonna find her." He said to me."It's only been a few hours and she's a lot tougher than she looks, when it comes to it. You know that."

"Yeah I know, but she could be in serious trouble. Plus we don't know why the demons want her in the first place."

"Maybe we could call Cas? Maybe he could find her?" Sam suggested.

"It's worth a try." I though out loud. "Okay, here goes nothing. Hey Cas we need your help, could you maybe get your feathered ass down here?" I said with my eyes closed. I opened one eye to see if he had come.

"Hello Dean." A voice said from behind me. Unexpected it made me jump a little. I turned around to see Cas.

"Hey Cas. Thanks for coming." I Said giving my best friend hug. "Cas could you maybe try to find Amber?"

"Is Amber missing?"

"Yes Demons took her" I said, wanting desperately to find her.

Cas closed his eyes and concentrated on something I didn't know what was. He suddenly open them looking shocked.

"Anything?" I asked Nervously.

"That's weird." Cas said, that just made me more worried. "There was nothing to begin with but then there was this energy." 

"Energy?" Sam asked confused.

"Yes, an energy from hell. I have never felt anything like it. I don't know who or what it is but it's powerful." Cas said.

"But is it were Amber is?" I asked stressed. He nodded in response.

"So, you're saying some weird unknown power or energy has Amber?" Sam said. I could tell he was just as worried as me. Cas nodded again.

I couldn't let anything else happen to her. She's already been through so much pain in most of her life. I have to find her.

"Okay, get packing we leave in five minutes." Was all I said through my anger and worry.

The Hell Girl [2] - HuntedHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin